Don’t know if anyone has picked this up today, but it’s widely reported across a number of news outlets…
I have an open mind about the existence of aliens, but I am almost certain that if we ever find evidence of them then it won't be via some nutter digging up a supposedly ancient mummy from a cave. If they've somehow mastered interstellar travel then they're not going to bother with leaving enigmatic clues lying around for primitives to find. We'd either know about them (on their terms, one way or another), or we wouldn't.
One caveat: My favourite 'theory' is that there's a minuscule chance that humanity has somehow missed something really obvious. If anybody's into classic sci fi short fiction then the road not taken by Harry Turtledove is a really fun exploration of this.
They look tiny I'm sure we could kick their backside if they are looking for trouble. Send Kapcer in he ll sort em.
But dont forget the Prime Directive Sestren...No interference in the lives of primitive lifeforms they encounter...Engage
This news could mean that we've been looking in the wrong place for Aliens all along. Maybe there is a civilisation beneath our feet and under our oceans? Makes you wonder where Spielberg got the idea for E.T
I'm sure remember at school in a physics lesson that there was around a 1/10 chance in each galaxy that there would be a planet just like earth with conditions that could create life. Always stuck with me, there's over 2 trillion galaxies so I'd say it's likely we're not the only ones. That's if that's true
It's impossible that the only life in our universe is on earth, and highly improbable that we're the only ones in our solar system. Even if it's only bacteria. But why is it, every time there's an alien "encounter" so to speak, they all look vaguely the same? A slightly different variation of ET essentially. If you're going to create a hoax, at least make it believable.
Possibly because evolution follows similar rules throughout the universe I guess. A bit like this…