You realise that the club regularly edit the website after mistakes are highlighted on here right? It doesn't make them evil and nobody suggested it did
With respect what was the headline. Has that changed too. Or did the original message say Superstore as well. What led you to your first post. ?
The original post was edited as soon as the club realised that by not stating the obvious the Usual suspects would be launching a tirade of abuse at the club
Sat on the fence around the what was right and what wasn’t, one thing that’s clear is communication is pretty poor lately missing off vital information is a regular event, no idea what’s happened but there’s been a change since last season.
Maybe the club "coms" should release draft statements, then those who can read and write can correct any mistakes or omissions before it is released for real.
Just post it on here first - then miserable sods like me can pull it to pieces for the tiniest mistake.
I'll tell you what I find weird. Here's what currently happens. Step one: the club posts information with errors in them. Step two: people highlight these errors Step three: the club corrects the errors. The response to that by some is "this is disgusting, why do you keep highlighting their errors" rather than "that's ****. They need to stop making errors" I'll tell you what would save all the arguing. Step one: the club posts information without errors. Step two: *there is no step two*
It isn't always what you say, it's the way that you say it. That, I believe is what people are complaining about.
I'm sorry but I want barnsley FC to not only survive but to be the absolute best it can be and when massive ******** are dropped that cost this club money then I'm not going to pussyfoot around it. The BBS tried to give the club hundreds of pounds last season, loko claims that he made repeated attempts to give the club that money but they never took it. That money could have paid for something to improve the club. If you look at all the little **** ups that have lost us revenue it all adds up. Perhaps we could have a more robust structure for the fanzone if they hadn't thrown away revenue for example. The way I see it is it's quite simple. Release better communication and people can't then criticise the poor mistake laden communication.
As far as I can tell. Edited statement or not. The headline says Box office closed for Staff training. Others seem to think we don't understand that means Box office only, and then add superstore to highlight they'd not added it to the link. (Which is in fact open). And make out training could have been done when stock was low. Not difficult is it really. The box office has set on a few more staff. And roles may have changed for some. Training required. Absolutely nowt to do with the Superstore. Really no need to edit. only to appease the nitpickers. I too have complained about communication. But only if necessary. Not making it an issue when something is not there.
Nothing was edited on this statement. It’s still as it was when it was published. The newsbot title states it was about a Box Office closure. This hasnt changed. I know for sure the text of the article hasnt changed since it was published either.
Cheers Gally. Any chance of a time delay before a poster can reply to a post? Maybe 5 mins, but deffo longer than 60 secs....
And not make it appear Superstore closed. And all the fall out from it. Even got backed up chuffin hell. Looking forward to the next chapter.