The way Harry Maguire is treated by some people, memes on the Internet etc is disgraceful. If I'd spent a portion of my life creating some intentionally hurtful video to post on the net about someone just trying to do his job I'd hope I'd be seriously f***ing embarrassed about myself.
These people who like to 'hound,slate vilify ' i could go on and on must be pretty sad bored people who don't see past their own nose,disgraceful.
That is debatable, i think he wasn't the same player since he moved to Man United due to the system they played him in. He was always in a back 3 at Leicester and thrived with the additional coverage provided by the other two centre backs which allowed him to defend riskier and bring the ball forward more often (much like Kitching was for us). When he moved to Man United he was playing in a flat back 4 and only one centre back partner to help him. Obviously the price tag will have weighed on him heavily and the pressure of playing in the spotlight constantly which comes with a club Man Uniteds size will affect him. Some players adapt well to moving into the spotlight and into the heavy pressure cooker that is a top, top club. Some don't. The media as well have a big part to play obviously.
The treatment is disgusting. I really like him and he’s given us as England fans great days over the last few years. I don’t understand the media and those clowns on social media, the same people who are hammering him will be the first to share his story when he finishes about how much this time affected him mentally. It really is a disgrace the abuse he gets.
I mentioned a few months ago how badly he was being hounded on social media. It has got much worse since then. Before him, John Stones was no 1 target. Something has to be done to stop the amount of clickbait that basically invites people to wade in. As a player I don’t think he’s let England down, and as others have said he has a great partnership with Stones. Would i have picked him on Tuesday? Probably not, but the victimisation is appalling.
Isn't it people just commenting on how he's rubbish? Or has there been anything personal? If its the former, then people have every right to criticise a professional footballer who has been terrible for a good while now, and who has decided to count his money on the Utd bench than challenge himself at West Ham. If its the latter and its personal, then its out of order.