The Andrew Sachs voicemail thing was from 2008. It was obvious then that he clearly had issues respecting women, amazed it's taken this long for anything to come out.
Can't assume anything, can only express an opinion based on what's already out there. Until things gel anything is mere supposition or pre-inclined bias one way or another. The guy may be a complete arse and evil nasty twa.t or may be the victim of media assassination. Wait and see.
Not respecting women is different from being guilty of these accusations. He may be guilty, he may be innocent but I think it's best not to judge without knowing all the facts.
It's around the time these allegations supposedly happened that his career went from being everywhere including Hollywood movies, to rarely seen apart from on social media with his conspiracy theories. He is allegedly the comedian Katherine Ryan has gone on about lots without naming for legal reasons. He was on Your Face Or Mine just for one series and the reason they aired it nightly rather than weekly like all of those type of shows are was because some dirt was apparently going to come out about him, but he got it stopped.
Looks pretty bad - I don't get the impression that it's a few unrelated mistakes and unfortunate incidents.
Innocent until proven guilty, yes. But there are enough Red flags over the years for TV Radio producers to think twice about using his services. I’d say the same about Jonathan Ross. There is enough uncontroversial talent out there to be utilised without needing to involve evident misogynists .
At a certain point "innocent until proven guilty" becomes a cowardly way to shut down women and avoid confronting appalling behaviour. The stories these people have shared are horrific. It's time to start listening.
I've always thought he was an arrogant piece of work. Who knows if he is guilty, but I hope the allegations are being properly investigated.
This is clearly an operation by the Elites who control the media (and world now) to shut him down. If you don’t use a lot of social media you will not see the stuff where he is exposing big pharma etc. I would imagine it’s not been too hard to find people in his past to open up. Don’t be fooled, there is a bigger agenda here.
Oh dear! There is absolutely no need for anyone to " shut him down". He's no longer on our screens all the time , he's a has been in terms of " comedians". All this conspiracy ******** needs to stop
It seems the "elites" who control the media are absolutely rubbish at what they do as big pharma is vilified across the world and exposed and criticised on a daily basis. I don't think silencing Russell Brand is going to change things.