Well it wouldn’t be if he’s done those things, would it? I notice you said ‘open up’ which suggests you believe the allegations to be true. I don’t care what the reason for reporting it now is, I’m more bothered that it’s been ignored for as long as it has.
This is not somebody who has been to the police. It’s the media who has found the women and probably spent tens of thousands doing this. Why? And why Russel Brand?
Whilst the Times is a Murdoch paper and certainly falls under the "global elites" stable, Channel 4 is run independently and is widely regarded for the quality of it's journalism. Brand on the other hand has become increasingly unhinged over the years and is now something of a conspiracy theorist. I know who I'm inclined to believe.
ignored? Are you suggesting there has been a cover up? be inferesting as this unfolds who is targeting him. Police, authorities, media? also be interesting to see who has hiding things. i don't like him but the media are ultra powerful. If they can influence gov elections then this is simple stuff for them. Justice needs to be applied and victims protected … in the right way of course.
It's always the elites innit. No idea who they are, but those elites who rule the world and we use to blame when our shitty and disgraceful opinions get shot down.
Err, could it be because he has used his fame and fortune to assault several women and worse? He does of course have the option to sue the newspaper and the women in question if he thinks his conduct can be defended. It will be interesting to see whether he tries. In the meantime, given the level of detail in the Sunday Times report he can confidently expect a knock on the door from the Old Bill quite soon. He will of course be presumed innocent until proved guilty in those proceedings.
Because the media LOVE stories like this. When I saw this thread I googled Russell Brand and the first thing I saw was two threads from The Sun. Why? Because it's their bread and butter. They love exposing "paedos". It's like bread and circuses for their readership. Do you think they and their fellow red tops went after Jimmy Saville, Huw Edwards, Prince Andrew etc because they were critics of big pharma? Of course not. They just want to sell papers on the back of sex abuse whether it's valid information or, in the case of Edwards, entirely manufactured.
If I was one of the Elites I really don't think I'd be worried about Russell Brand. The bloke's a ****** who cynically caters to the nutter fringe because he's realised that he's crap at comedy. In fact if I were in control I'd be happy for Russell Brand to be the opposition.
Setting this to one side what’s your opinion on Russel Brand the activist/spokesperson? Might what he is saying upset some sections of society who would find it hard to defend their actions? I am no Russel Brand fan by the way.
Echo most on here. can't stand the guy but scociety in this country is based on our rule of law and right to be represented.If he's innocent as he says he can sue the media. if there's a case to answer the women concerned can haul him in front of our legal system and expose his crimes. if it is decided he committed crimes, not sure the media plastering him all over is right as, as some have said, it becomes no smoke without fire even if he's not convicted. My personal view is no surprise if he's guilty but it's just an opinion.
Proper easy. Can commit any crime. Just have to spout conspiracies and ******** on twitter and idiots will defend you against anything.
She went to rape clinic the same day, sent him messages about it immediately that he replied ‘I’m sorry’ to and attended therapy with the rape clinic for the 6 months following it. She said why she didn’t go to the police, it’s Russell Brand, what’s the point? Why him? Because it was him (allegedly). It’s kind of important that you do it about the person who did it. Who cares what their motives are for exposing an alleged rapist?
I have never read or listened to anything he has said by way of activism, so I can have no opinion regarding that side of his character.
I don't think @tingleytyke is a conspiracy theorist or that he is putting forward such an argument. I also think it's OK to question the motivation of the media. The recent character assassination of Huw Edwards was appalling. I have no idea if Russell Brand is guilty of these allegations. If he is then I hope he is tried and convicted accordingly. But I also know that just because something appears in the media, it doesn't make it true.
It certainly seems like it was an open secret. They stopped hiring women to work with him, female comedians have groups set up warning each other about him.
I get what you are saying here and absolutely people need to listen to all people who report abuse and it needs to be investigated thoroughly. However "innocent until proven guilty" is the very basis of our legal system. It's far from perfect but it's also one of the best in the world so it believe its worth defending. In practice it means guilty people will escape justice, which is beyond frustrating. However the alternative is far worse. I haven't read what the allegations are agaisnt Brand. I also happen to think he's a total bell end. He does however have the right to considered innocent until proven guilty of such serious allegations. Trial by media is fraught with danger, and has led to suicides in the past. People should tread lightly and allow due process to take place.
Always wondered why he had started spouting conspiracy theories and I’d wager it’s because he knew this was coming and internet idiots would jump to his defence so quickly. The fact that there are multiple women saying the same thing makes me think there is something in this. Keep hearing on Twitter that he’s somehow redeemed or automatically innocent because he’s talking about big pharmaceutical companies conspiracies and their shady practices (like that hasn’t been going on for 50 years+ and politicians on all sides have been complicit) . Rolf Harris did a lot of charity work, as did Saville does that mean they weren’t horrible fuckers?
Attending a rape centre and having therapy with them for 6 months is quite a dedication to a lie though. Especially when she messaged him straight after it allegedly happened saying how it made her feel and that no means no and got an apology from him. The Huw Edwards thing was appalling and I stuck up for him at the time, pointing out that the original report that all the others were misquoting didn’t state that the photo receiver was underage and that it looked like it got twisted along the way. This, however, is extremely detailed and researched with what would appear to be irrefutable evidence.
I never followed Brands career too closely but I did get into his podcast “under the skin” which had some really interesting guests and very complex and deep discussions- not conspiracy theories. When I then followed him on YouTube it was like a totally different person - clearly aiming at the paranoid, right wing US market to drive subscribers and views, whilst some of his ramblings sounded reasonable the relentless nature of it quickly becomes unpalatable. He’s always been very open about his addictions and past behaviours in interviews and on his platforms. But looking back now I was always a bit uncomfortable about the way he treated his podcast producer/researcher during the opening “funny” segment of his podcasts, she being a quietly spoken Irish lady who it transpires had met Brand when she was 16……. Having watched the documentary last night it seems highly unlikely that these random women, who don’t know each other have independently decided to potentially ruin their lives by making up allegations against Brand now. Let’s hope they get their day in court, meanwhile I won’t be listening to or watching anything he does again, I’ve seen enough evidence to make my own personal judgement on him now.