She also said that if his name was released then hers would be dragged through the dirt. Even if they did believe her, she didn’t want all the stuff that would come her way. Rape victims are treated horrendously with every aspect of their life being questioned and held up as a reason to suggest they weren’t really raped.
I was once on a jury for a rape trial. I voted not guilty, because I had to given the evidence presented, but watching him stroll out of the court at the end after the verdict was presented is an image that will haunt me forever.
A lot of things feel like truth in my bones but it's wrong to go and convict someone by social media of the most heinous crime there is just because you feel it in your bones
I’ve not ‘convicted him’, I’m not a jury member on his trial (if he ever has one), I’m saying that I believe the women. Because I do.
You are saying that he's guilty. In your head you've already convicted him and you are quite happily to publicly state that he's guilty. It's just wrong. People have their lives absolutely ruined by this and people kill themselves over it every single day. The victims of Eleanor Williams who had the most compelling evidence of physical injuries tried to kill themselves. Why? Because she had faked the evidence. You are more than welcome to decide in your bones that Russel brand is a rapist but it's wrong to go on a public forum and proudly tell everyone that.
And you seem to be implying you don't believe the women. Which is worse? Of course there's gonna be wrong uns claiming rape when it's not true. The example you quote is an extreme one and obviously horrific. But there's plenty more rapes and sexual assaults that don't go punished.
Of course there is. But this isn't that - it's a group of women who seemingly don't know each other and have felt powerless because the power was being held by the man they're now accusing. It's the opposite of what you describe - the 'elite' and power here is from Brand. I get the points your making and the rest of the posts here, but there's a surprising speed on this thread of people being very quick to seemingly dismiss what seems like pretty strong accusations and I think that's down to gender bias. 100%. No talk of all the women who have been raped and murdered, just reasons and examples of where a bloke has been wronged. I've no real opinion, I couldn't care less about him, but I'm starting from a position of assuming these women are good people and have a story that's worth listening to not dismissing.
No I'm not. I have absolutely no idea what the truth is. The evidence presented so far would point towards one clear thing but that's only the evidence presented so far isn't it. I have no idea as to the legitimacy if that evidence. I believe Russel brand is a horrible human being in general though anyway. And yes sadly there are too many
People kill themselves over not being believed when they tell people they’ve been raped too. Your words are just as harmful to the victims as mine are to him.
A tweet former president Donald Trump sent to Katy Perry has tonight resurfaced after allegations about her ex-husband Russell Brand were made public. "Katy, what the hell were you thinking when you married loser Russell Brand," Mr Trump tweeted in 2014. "There is a guy who has got nothing going, a waste!" The 45th president sent the tweet before he announced his run for the White House. Brand and Perry married in 2010, but it lasted just 14 months. Perry said the split occurred when Brand ended things via text, asking her for a divorce moments before she went on stage to perform in front of a packed-out crowd. Speaking about their relationship in 2013, she said: "He’s a very smart man, and I was in love with him when I married him. Let’s just say I haven’t heard from him since he texted me saying he was divorcing me December 31, 2011."
Donald Trump world renowned of course, for his impeccable respect for women. I imagine she found his words truly profound.
I believe an open mind is required after reading/seeing/hearing anything from any media outlet where the evidence is based on the testimony of others. Accusations. Keeping an open mid is not disbelieving someone. It's acknowledging someone believes they've been wronged and giving them the opportunity to establish that with evidence. I don't believe my gender plays a part in my opinion. The singer in the band I referred to earlier was/is transgender (and very flamboyant) and I'm of the opinion the accusations against them were from someone (or some people) with very conservative values who resented how popular the band were becoming. Someone who is very, very dear to me was hurt by a man, and I'm acutely aware of the pain that brings and the never ending ramifications of his actions.
They really wouldn't. I haven't a clue about the names of any policeman who have investigated high profile men of rape/sexual assault. The way victims of sexual assault are treated by the police and courts, although its supposedly improved is shocking, I can see why many women don't report.
What about those that committed war crimes. In the extreme. Hitler. An extreme comparison. But never went to trial. Would you say he was guilty of mass murder with the knowledge you have. Lots of deniers of the holocaust out there. Even though it stares em in the face. Thousands walk free as guilty as hell. I dont know if Brand is guilty or not but at face value at what I've seen. I lean towards guilty as hell. A jury will decide after hearing all the evidence if it goes to trial.
Now that's simply not true. Declaring someone guilty as opposed to saying all the evidence needs to be heard and due process followed are not the same at all. The opposite of your postion would be Declaring Brand is definitely innocent.
Now that you mention it because the Holocaust happened you're right it means every accused man is guilty. Brilliant.
From what I’ve read so far it has that horrible feeling of another of ‘those’ cases where the powers that be knew or strongly suspected what was going on but chose to ignore it. That stinks where the young lass has complained about him then got a strongly worded legal letter warning her off, after they basically just asked him if it was true and he just said no. Like I said earlier though I’m not unbiased because the bloke has always always made my skin crawl! Bet Jonathan Woss is loving it too because those pathetic phone calls to Andrew Sachs have re emerged.
Nice twist. I didnt say every man is guilty. Only the ones with the hardest of evidence. In your opinion Was Hitler guilty of war crimes or not. ?
Yes and guess what. He isn't going to be harmed one bit by me saying so. There's a big difference between this and declaring someone as guilty without a trial
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. Hitler indictment for war crimes was actually endorsed by the UN before his death. Obviously the being dead subsequently made it difficult to bring him to trial. Personally I find it best to steer clear of the holocaust when trying to make a point on another subject.