Can’t say at this stage if he’s guilty or not but Brand has always seemed a bit of a smug, self centred individual to me. Never liked him much after the Andrew Sachs incident.
Regardless of his guilt on the specific allegations, the Andrew Sachs incident, and the creepy call with Jimmy Saville are irrefutably real, and can hardly be defended even by the most right wing conspiracy nuts.
For what my opinion is worth I think there is a fine line here between believing women who come forward with allegations, trial by media and the necessity to have due process and evidence substantiated in court. We all make judgments and, if we are decent people we find any abuse of anyone, women or anyone else, disgusting. But, we shouldn't judge anyone until due process has been followed. Its crap that that situation may put some people off going to court, going to superiors, whistleblowing etc but unless we follow some procedure, however painful and nasty, we get into the realms of summary justice, wrongful charges, vigilantes etc. The law may need some looking at but at the end of the day the law is all we have, even if it seems crap
I think it's important to look at what has actually happened here. There is - for the time being - no criminal case. These women have decided to expose Brand by describing the treatment they have suffered at his hands. So unless he can prove that they have fabricated their stories then his reputation will remain irrevocably tarnished and no doubt his future working prospects diminished. His remedy would be to sue the women (and Channel 4 and News Corporation) for defamation. If their defence was justification, then they would have to prove their story by giving evidence and establishing their case on a balance of probabilities. I am not aware that he has threatened such action, and he may not want to if he knows that their account is true. So there is no criminal case to prejudge as yet. For what it is worth, the level of detail set out by the women, and the due diligence exercised by the Sunday Times (as described by it's Editor) suggests that there is some credibility to the story. Based purely on what I have heard and read I would be inclined to believe that story. Brand's own previous conduct and admitted utterances would strengthen me in that view. But I can not of course be certain. His hints at conspiracy by the 'establishment' or 'big pharma' ring exceedingly hollow to me.
Update: Met have just confirmed they have received a report of sexual assault. IUPG on that one, of course!
'Why not go to the police' Being answered today. It's got the story out, made people feel empowered and safe to come forward knowing it's not just them v a powerful man. Fair play to all concerned in exposing it imho.
Bet all these stars who used and abused groupies are quaking in their boots,my father-in- law was a singer in a club band and performed at variety clubs,his marriage didn’t last and my mother in law used to say it was always going to fail as he had women throwing themselves at him every night back stage at his gigs and that was at his level ,looks like Brands indulged and these women feel used and abused,hell hath no fury like a women scorned,will leave it for the courts to decide if he guilty or not ,but very sad situation if he as stepped over the mark with his treatment of these women
I wonder how anyone can defend themselves from claims made for something which is alleged to have happened 20 years or so ago.
He can’t he will probably end up back on the drugs,the paranoia he will suffer even if proven innocent,thinking everyone thinks he a rapist
Easy, if there's no evidence then the presumption of innocence will save him. It's not for him to prove his innocence, it's for the CPS to prove guilt.
How do you think the health and wellbeing of all the alleged victims has fared, over the last 20 years?
Do you want to meet me to my face and tell me to **** off,she just said it to me now as we was discussing it,if I can’t post a reply without you abusing me then this site wants shutting down