Your reply is embarrassing. This is the second time you've replied to a controversial topic quoting the women you're working with and how they actually go against public opinion so the outcry must be wrong, and i can see why people are frustrated with the response. It says a lot about the character of the women you work with and it says a lot about you that you reaction is to insinuate violence with this face to face stuff. Grow up.
Surprised there's no charges yet. if none are brought and he doesn't sue the media for defamation of character there's no avenue open to ascertain guilt or innocence. Although his current show has been suspended I'm sure some morally lacking station will give him a voice and he will be able to scream conspiracy theories unabated while claiming his innocence due to not being prosecuted....
I think the email he sent to one of his alleged victims might be enough , although I think that was in America
I'd love to say yes but unfortunately experience from a wide range of friends and family says different.
What would people think if Russel Brand reacted to the media and social media responses the same way Caroline Flack did?
It'd be awful. But the situations aren't comparable - one fella has abused multiple women who have all come forward and the other was hounded about a solitary incident after years of media scrutiny. Were you worried about Barry Bennell when the accusations came out a few years ago?
Interesting how you lay into this poster after his reaction to being abused by Mr anonymouse and not for the 1st time from what i can gather for simply paraphrasing a conversation he had with a female colleague at work, yet despite getting on your high horse about the reaction and the woman he works with you choose to ignore the abuse and abuser which set the wheels in motion.........sithi.
I agree its not particularly mature and not pertinent to the thread but if that's what a woman/ women said to him then I suppose its ok to post it. Contextually irrelevant but you perhaps shouldn't have told him to do one. I'd not shag Russell Brand myself but there ya go.
IF that's what women are saying to him. I mean there's a chance that the women he knows are extremely open with their misogynistic views and regularly share them with him to post on here. It's also not uncommon for bigots to fabricate conversations that they've had with 'a friend' in order to share their bigoted view while blaming an unknown 'friend'
they all Barnsley lasses and I am offended by your reply abusing them and if you let another man tell you to **** off without response I pity you
ok meet me outside Oakwell and I will drive you to speak to this lady, how dare you call me a bigot , get back under your stone , this site is a disgrace
I didn't call you a bigot I said it's not uncommon for bigots to do that. Why? Did it make you think of yourself for some reason?