Last night at half- time guy in front of me fell ill with chest pains, Steward is alerted, who promptly calls supervisor over. Meantime, as we sit in ESL Gangway 4, Medical room is just at the bottom of the steps, someone alerts medical assistants in there. They come to top of steps but apparently can’t assist as it’s not been ‘Radio’d in’ Supervisor is already talking in Radio. Eventually they must’ve got the go ahead and began seeing to Gerald, the poorly guy. Soon after, Club Dr, John came, up the steps and intervened and everything was soon under control. Gerald was able to walk down to the medical room. It just begs the question why couldn’t those 2 medical assistants intervene immediately instead of waiting to be ‘deployed’ by radio? Had it happened a few minutes earlier before half time Dr John would’ve been in his seat just a few rows behind. Anyways Hope Gerald or Ged The Red as it says on the back of his shirt is feeling better and recovering well.
If you need to be "radio'd in" to potentially save someone's life, then might as well scrap the entire procedure. When it comes to anything medical, especially chest pains it should be acted on immediately.
I’m not blaming the staff/medical assistants, indeed, I don’t think they are at fault at all. I’m just questioning why they couldn’t intervene when they were already there, until Authorised by radio?
Any medically trained individual should not have to be told/radioed in to give life saving care. It is 100% on them, if he'd died what would they say? 'well we didn't get the call, so we just watched him'
I once attended a post-op appointment with the surgeon at Barnsley general after spinal surgery. It'd gone well and I was being referred to the physio department to help with rehabilitation. I had to make an appointment. So I called in to the physio department on the way out to make that appointment. I was told they only made appointments over the phone. So I stood there and rung them. The phone rang on the counter in front of me. The woman to whom I'd just been speaking, who was behind the desk, not three feet away from me, answered the phone and proceeded to book me in for an appointment, over the phone, while I was STOOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER.
Saw the incident myself, as we sit in ESL4 . Quicker response than to the sprinkler. No one in the ground seemed to be arsed...