Reports of 5 people being sexually assaulted at their last home game.
This is not down to the club. Sick perverts who think it's OK because they are in a crowd and it's just having a laugh.
TBF, its not down to the club - however there may be a duty of care to customers that they failed in if the stewarding (or policing) didn't deal with it properly.
Horrible ********. I hope that the person or persons responsible are found, tried and given the hardest penalty possible and that the victims get at least some justice for a crime that can never be undone. I don't think for one second that it's reflective of the entire reading fanbase (or the other team possibly) but the individuals involved need banning from any football match for life and personally I'd have them on the sex offenders register for life too as well as a long spell in prison. If it's one person responsible they'd get life in prison
It turns out that the stewards employed by the club were the ones doing the groping...