From memory, Brand and Jonathan Ross rang him up live on their radio show and took the piss out of him because Brand had fcked his daughter. Odious humans.
Here's him and his twattish sidekick joking about exposing himself to a member of staff - In addition to the content it's shocking that his stuff ever passed as comedy.
Him and Jonathan Ross joked around and Ross outright said he f'ed Sachs daughter and brand started laughing and joking about it. Caused a lot of harm to the young girl at the time and her dad. Was pretty horrible to listen to. I will say though, the daughter was on Piers Morgan other day, and she said Brand apologised to her a few years ago, told her about his therapy and then she said Brand paid for her own rehab as she was struggling with addiction herself.
Granddaughter. Who was at the time in her early 20s. Brand was well into his 30s and Ross approaching his 50s.
Brand and Johnathon Ross called him on Brand's radio 2 show and left a disgusting series of comments on his answering service about shagging his granddaughter for example.
Not broadcast live but recorded, Brand insisted on broadcasting it later, despite Ross's objection. I don't know who was producer for the show but he/she should have stopped it. A bit harsh to blame the whole of the BBC to be honest.
What's disappointing there is it sounds like Ross was the one who started it, with that first vulgar voice message to Sachs. I've never found Brand to be in the slightest bit funny or clever though, when he used to appear on various comedy panel/quiz shows.
look at cliff Richard, there is no innocent till proven guilty in my eyes it stinks that the phrase doesnt actually excist, public make there own mind up wat ever the truth is, cliff said hiis life will never be the same again, i aint a fan but ii do believe hes a good bloke, thins shouldnt be made public until theres been a charge.
Hardly a fair comparison. The CR incident was rightly condemned as it was a police informant who contacted the BBC who then thought they had a scoop. Whilst innocent till proven guilty used to be a given, it doesnt stop people having an opinion on an investigation that's taken yrs. Based on people coming forward. Have you watched the programme. If nothing else, with all the factual stuff you would have to agree surely. He's not a full shilling so to speak, given his outrageous behaviour. More and more people are coming forward. Do you think Jimmy saville was innocent. guilty or not sure. ? We can never prove a guilty verdict as there never has been one. But create an opinion on the evidence put in front of us. Also, as said before. In a court of law, A not guilty verdict. is not proof of innocence in many cases. It works both ways.
Excellent post. I did Jury service about 20 years ago and one case resulted in a not guilty verdict simply because there was no solid compelling evidence but we all thought he had probably done it - but you can't convict on "probably". It struck me at the time that the CPS had made a mistake in prosecuting with such a lack of evidence. I think the Scottish system is better with a "Not Proven" verdict being allowed which would have been appropriate in that case. In Brand's case, the fact that the accused is a public figure will always provoke debate and divide opinion, some blindly for and some blindly against with little room for rational debate.
I've always thought the "Not Proven" verdict in Scotland was an eminently sensible option, and yet I read something recently that suggested there was talk in Scottish legal circles of trying to get it dropped.