I've not posted on here for probably nearly 10 years but Gally kindly reset my account so thought I'd dip my toe again. Some of you may remember me, maybe not as I'm sure I'm not that memorable!! How do I change my username? Want to go for Rich, as that is my name, and I'm not very creative. Cheers Rich
Welcome back, to help you get up to speed can you please complete the following survey: 1. Russell Brand is a nonce - yes or no? 2. A 20 mph speed limit is a) An essential requirement to save millions of lives, b) Straight out of Nazi Germany. 3. Horseracing is a) Inhumane entertainment for subhuman scum, b) A jolly good laugh, if the horses didn't want to do it they shouldn't be horses. 4. Channel migrants a) Should all be sank, b) Should all be given homes in Mayfair.
There was a 'Rich' popped up on here a year or two since. I think the assumption was that he was probably called 'Richard' but he went on some bizarre rant about him being loaded and Barnsley folk being poor and scruffy. He really didn't endear himself well at all, then disappeared into thin air. Wouldn't want you to get mistaken for him. Anyhow, welcome home.
I didn't remember that guy. I've had a quick search back and it appears to have been during my BBS hiatus (ah the glory days of 2018-2020). It appears his entire post history was unironically calling people thick, or asking people to reiterate posts 'in English' despite not having great spelling or grammar himself. One here where @Hooky feller has worded a post in a very articulate manner, and his response was 'in English please', with not a hint of irony. I can't believe I missed this. https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/just-a-thought-twist-before-saturday.282043/page-3#post-2330680
1. If convicted he will be, if not convicted he can just remain in his current status of twohat. 2. Absolutely needed on some roads. There's some right nobs speed up and down road we live on. 3. I'm a flat racing fan. I'm torn on the fences though. 4. We all just live on the same rock in space IMO. What do I win?
Weren't/aren't you Mario's brother, who also hasn't been around in a while. Or am I thinking of someone else?
Yeah thought so.. welcome back mate.. but pick yer battle's there's still one or two willing to die on some very strange hills on here..
There was no flounce as I remember, just from being a very regular poster to nothing. Always assumed he'd been banged up....Welcome back, one of the better posters.