Wonder what her parents think about it? It's complicated TBH. Some of the most racist people I've met in Leeds are people that have done good from a variety of ethnic minorities / backgrounds as immigrants, but then again, I've met others that are totally the opposite. People are people, but racists are ..., well racists. A lot of racism in countries around the world. Much of it has its roots in colonialism. No excuse, anyway for anything i've heard from Braverman. It is dog whistle fascist dogrel
Seriously, I believe that the tories are trying to appeal to the people who voted for Brexit. It is very disappointing that this lady is one of the leadership team of an open inclusive country. There is not very much open or tolerant about the Home Secretary.
Unfortunately some people lap it up unless its challenged effectively. People lapped up the leave rhetoric in the EU referendum because it wasn't challenged effectively. People lap up anti immigrant rhetoric because the stupidity of it isn't explained properly. People like easy solutions to complex ideas and they like easy sound bites which sum up mood and sound clever. Until progressive folk start countering total crap like Braverman with better sound bites and straightforward 'better' solutions there will always be votes for Braverman and her nasty ilk. Crap like she spouts deflects from real issues. The immigrants didn't cause the cost of living crisis, they don't cause homelessness, they didn't make mortgage rates rise and they don't make teachers and nurses go to food banks. Red herring crap.
There are only so many folks read the Daily Fail, Tory Graph & the Daily Heil & the Sun. Braverman still playing to them & her right wing bully boys. The Sun is setting. Thank goodness. We need something better. It won't be a lot better. A bit better.
Vote Labour. Vote Lib Dem. Vote Green. Vote for a man dressed like a chicken. Whatever you vote, vote these ******* out. Because if you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
Thoroughly agree with getting this lot out mate but I have a fear that if the vote gets split across too many options this lot will have the majotity...God help us
Any vote that stops these lovely people losing a seat and getting back in is fine in my book T. The Scottish vote will be vital. I just hope if Labour dont get a majority. They agree to form an alliance. And give the scots more rights on governing themselves without going so far as allowing another vote for independence. That would not be in labours interests. And be a kick in the teeth.
The scots won’t agree to anything unless the vote is in the table. You can bet your house on that. It will be interesting to see though if the SNP post sturgeon are as strong.
I'd disagree with that I've always found that areas where they are more ethnic minorities and a mix of races etc have less racism.
The problem is that it isn't easy to describe or solve a complex problem in simple terms. You could try describing our responsibilities under the refugee convention, and how the UK gets a very small amount (under 1%) of the refugees worldwide, and how the nearest countries get most of the refugees (often the poorer countries, like Pakistan or Uganda or Colombia), and how there is no such thing as a "first safe country" and how you could open a centre in Calais to process them and pay for a ferry crossing for much cheaper than we are paying France to police their coastline (~10% of the £500m over 5 years) and you would stop the boats by breaking the smugglers business model, but then Sue-Ellen or Richy-Rich turn around and shouts "Stop the boats" and you've lost the argument in the minds of the mob.
There's also people who just refuse to hear it. I've tried explaining it on here a few times and there are people who just don't listen and revert to meaningless Daily Mail soundbites, even when I've just explained how those soundbites are nonsense. I agree that it does need to be challenged but unfortunately some people are just thick as mince and prejudiced, and nothing will get through to them.