Speaking of that.. I just saw a bus in Barnsley town centre nearly taking a car out.. the bus indicated but he obviously saw the car coming but still pulled out anyway
Buses do have right of way over other vehicles, and if they indicate you should let them in. That doesn't give them any excuses to be driven in a hazardous manner of course.
Why do some hog the middle lane on the motorway when there's no cars in the outside lane? It's for overtaking for goodness sake.
I assume you mean the inside lane, but yeah it proper annoys me. It's a shame we no longer really have much of a motorway police presence now due to cuts, but I'd hit every single one of them with FPTs. Oh and those dicks that speed up when you are overtaking them.
Or even the 3rd lane on 4 lane motorways. I travel up the M1 from junction 15A to 36. There are several stretches with 4 lanes (one even has a hard shoulder) and a good deal of drivers stick to lane 3 if 4 are available, even on a Saturday evening when traffic is light.
Worst part for me is that (no exaggeration) 99% of drivers drive FAR too close to the vehicle in front. No wonder there's pile ups.
Traffic cops didn't have a great deal of luck catching middle lane hoggers. As they have to follow them over a mile So they usually move to the left. I can rest assure the cameras are picking the hoggers up and sending em on courses. You can always tell which ones are the middle lane hoggers. There always sat on the tables in the middle of the classroom lol
Most common crash on a motorway. It's not an accident. It's a collision caused by driver error. Pisses me off when I'm stuck in hold ups cos drivers driving too close.
You are supposed to give way to buses when they are starting off from a bus stop. The car should have waited behind, however, the bus driver should have stopped when it was obvious that the 2hat in the car was still coming.
I think 99% is a little high but you are right, the majority of drivers drive too close on all roads, not just motorways. If only there was a safe transport method where driving too close to the vehicle in front was prevented by some sort of signalling system and the vehicles were equipped with automatic brakes. Of course they would have to be on a sort of fixed permanent way, maybe steel rails... oh hang on.