RIMMINGTON'S LOUNGE AT OAKWELL Club News Upgrade your matchday experience at Oakwell for just £5 with a ticket to Rimmington's on matchday. Continue reading on the official site...
Is this the same thing that was advertised as 50-odd quid earlier in the season, or something else? I wonder if they’ve sacked off the earlier price increase?
So instead of paying for over-priced scran and drink and standing on the concourse, you can pay £5 for the privilege of paying for over-priced scran and drink in the comfort of Rimmo's lounge. Then vamoosh back to your own seat for game time? Is that the general gist? I'm not averse to the idea; change of scenery OK by me. And not having a pop at BFC with the "overpriced" comments - it is a curse of the leisure industry everywhere. Stadiums, arenas, concert halls, festivals .......
Tbf a fiver’s nowt really. To some it’s just somewhere a bit nicer indoors. I was gonna give it a try this season but scrapped it when they put a daft price on it. Think I might give it a go now, just to see what it’s like.