Literally makes me cry, stuff like this. Somebody, somewhere is so utterly desperate to gain kudos within his own peer group that he has resorted to this and probably revelling in the exposure. That'll be summat to show his mates, at last, eh?
We were there in August and walked along part of the military road and used that tree to work out exactly where we were. To say that I'm shocked and saddened would be a massive understatement. I simply don't have any understanding of why anyone would do such a thing.
My god SD that's a brilliant idea. Why don't you start a crowd funding page and send a link to Kevin Costner.
I think we need to grasp the nettle and get to the root of the problem. It's the youth of today. Floating along with their Costa Coffee and Mark Twain. Bang em' all up.
A case of punishment should fit the crime. They should use the same chainsaw to quarter the culprit and put it on bellendbook for likes.
100%, thing is ( not all I'll add) some parents don't give a fat rats ar5e, there little darlings wouldn't do that. Last week down here in Pompey a female teacher accidently nudges a 15 year old girl whilst going to break up a fight, that girl told her friends that the said teacher had disrespected her by nudging past, anyway later that day she beat the woman up, her parents were adamant it didn't happen that way until they were shown the CCTV of the incident, the school expelled her, some say its no different to 40 years ago, oh it is, one of the guests on one of the news channels said this morning that in the past a fight was with fists, now its knifes and if you lose a fist fight then you could get stabbed / murdered as the person feels they have lost street cred, vile world we live in
Nowt we can say or do is bringing back the tree. Let's all lock up our children for a month in its honour...exactly.
Now is it the fault of the kids, or their parents for letting them grow up like that? And lets not get into the great role models for young lads, like Andrew Tate and the rest of the incels.
Exactly, I think respect as gone, as far as respecting your elders goes ( yes respect goes both ways) they appear just to not give a 5hit anymore, I think the deterrent is not there, they are not afraid of the judicial system imo and the days of parents being disgusted and disciplining there kids appears to be fading, my old man who is 87 now told me if he got a bollocking at school is dad would give him a good hiding, I'm not condoning that btw but it made them think twice, it all seems to have increased since social media, people including adults would rather film someone getting filled in than helping them, sad, but we live in a sad world
I don't think we'll ever see clobbering culture again mate. Speaking from my own point of view. I think sun shines out of George's arse. I think it's a great way of looking at things but we'd be fighting and kids would learn nothing. (If there's any good can come from me and Laura splitting up. It will be George growing up right.)