The same social media is the one that makes you think all kids are like this. They’re not. The majority will be disgusted by this act of vandalism. Only a tiny minority are as you describe.
This thread has gone a bit broader than the original post. The fact is whoever has done this is a complete w@nkstain. If it is the kid, I’d like to punch his face in until it was pulped. And I say that as a Guardian reading, muesli eating bleeding heart liberal. Tw@t.
This will have an impact on a lot of businesses. Maybe a private prosecution against the perpetrators for loss of business would finish them for life.
I know not all kids, and you're spot on in saying the majority will be didgusted, I'm just saying the hate and aggression, not giving a 5hit, from kids ( some not all ) as appeared to have stepped up a level or two over the years, even football groups on fb appears to have turned probably decent 16 year old kids into tribal animals in regard to the vitoral and hate they post ,just my opinion btw
I was talking about this in the pub last night. One of the lads has relatives in the area and they reckon it's not so simple. The national trust own Hadrian's wall and a few feet either side, including the land the tree was on. Local farmers own the land beyond that. The farmers and the NT have been arguing about access to that bit of land for years...
There's no chance of successfully suing someone for loss of business for cutting down a tree the business doesn't even own.
Nothing surprises me about us "human beings" any more. We are a pretty awful breed in the main, the depths to which we will stoop is frightening. On a similar note, have you seen the tv news this week in which shop lifters are being filmed raiding shelves as brazenly as they can be. They know no action will be taken against them. The law is useless. The police are useless. Unless it's to catch me doing 35mph in a 30 zone of course. I despair.
Perfectly summed up,i watched Calender news last night and there was a Woman who was behind with her council tax and the bailiffs went round and when she eventually paid she had to pay for the balilliffs, but like you say low life's can go robbing shops and supermarkets and get away Scott free - what a country the Tories have made!!!
Today there are two main UK headlines: "In Croydon, a 17 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons" ........ and: "In Northumberland, a 16 year old who cannot be named for legal reasons" Then it's long past the time to name their bloody parents or legal guardians FFS !! I'm fairly sure some of these so called adults would possibly make a better fist of bringing up their little darlings if they thought there was an outside chance they were actually going to be held legally responsible for that chore.