Apologies if this is old news or common knowledge. Bit out of the loop now I don't live in Barnsley. Council buying it. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/poli...whall-shopping-centre-for-ps45million-4353162
Another brilliant decision by Barnsley council imho. Liked what Houghton said about thinking it's purpose, shifting away some of it from Retail and towards wellbeing etc. Too big a space to let it go to ruin and supplements the Glassworks.
They're paying the tenant for the leasehold interest to ensure it stays open? Surely if they're already freeholder there's a keep open clause in the lease and if it shut they could forfeit and take it for nowt rather than paying £4.5m...
Can’t see why anyone reading that would think it’s anything but a really good thing. A wellness space would be excellent. Maybe also target ‘indie’ shops.
I think this is a good move but when the council is the freeholder why do they need to pay the leasehold off??? Surely they are the landlord already and owned the leasehold? aren't they paying themselves the money Forgive my stupidity on this one. Just don't understand the property law side
The Article in the Chronicle says footfall has increased in retail in the Alhambra against thoughts it had, had the opposite effect. Great news if so. Surprised Primark didnt take up the TK Maxx old space. Easy to convert I would have thought to 2 floors. Given the size of some of their other outlets. And especially as footfall is on the up.
I'm not convinced but I'm not a Barnsley resident or tax payer so my opinion doesn't really matter. I personally think the building is an eye sore and being inside isn't particularly a pleasant experience plus I feel it blocks access to the town centre from the South. I think opening up the space and redeveloping it would be preferable though I'm not sure if that would be cost effective. However, if they can repurpose the building and utilise to the benefit of the town then that will be far better than it's current guise as a very tired shopping centre though I fear it might be a case of spending more money on something that can't be saved.
The funding is coming from the South Yorkshire Mayor's Office, including any costs for alterations, according to the Chronicle. https://www.barnsleychronicle.com/article/26289/councils-alhambra-takeover-announced
They'll have let the whole to a tenant so will own the freehold, but until the lease expires that will just be the right to collect rent with no day to day control. The council owns the freehold but the tenant company runs the Alhambra and is paid the rents from the unit tenants. But if there are concerns about the future of the tenant then there are ways to exert pressure to either end the lease without paying the tenant (forfeiture) or at least pressure them into accepting a lower premium for a surrender. Hopefully they've exhausted these avenues before agreeing to pay £4.5m.
I think the council should look to get things like laser quest in there fun leisure things away from just shops
Looks like further plaudits for Barnsley Council required here. Last few years they really have done a good job in regenerating the town, creating a bit more pride and increasing 'footfall'. That's in spite of the Tory government underfunding the borough relative to much more affluent regions. Well done guys.
I agree. It's encouraging to see the council building on the great work done in the town centre over recent years.
I don't know how anyone could call a clean, modern building an eyesore. It needs the glassworks roof continuing around the corner into Alhambra and the Boots section demolishing and rebuilt in the style of the glassworks.
It’s not an architectural masterpiece but nor is it an eyesore. Hopefully they can come up with something really exciting to compliment the Glassworks.