So no real substance to the 'stifling alternative views' allegation then. As usual with these monthly sideshows, we'll have to agree to disagree (respectfully). But I do think 'Stalinesque' is a bit over the top, even acknowledging your strong view on the matter. And if Jimmy thinks that Starmer is the problem giving rise to 'a dark period' then I think he must have taken his eye off the present government!
Jimmy thinks that lying is wrong. You think it’s fine if it’s to get the tories out. From my point of view it’s poisonous and corrodes public life. The dark period covers the current Govt but I’m not giving a pass to Labour lies either. As for dissenting views. Starmer had excluded more Jewish members than all other Labour leaders put together. As left wing Jews their voice is clearly crushed. Forde stated that black people within Labour are treated differently and that a hierarchy of racism exists. Again black peoples have been disproportionately excluded from Labour.
Thanks for the 'respectfully' comment. I do get fed up when called naive and implicitly Tory-supporting for having a view on these matters. Politics is all about debate and reasoned argument and my views are just as valid as anyone else's given that I explain them and, occasionally, back them up with facts. As to the stifling of alternative views negation, tell that to Jamie Driscoll and tell that to Labour councilors in Leicester who were deselected by the NEC.Tell that to Corbyn himself who is Labour through and through even if one disagrees with him. There are other examples of selection committees interfering in local processes because the centre are about control rather than allowing local people to have a voice. If that's not 'stalinesque' then I dont know what is. Its not a term I used lightly. Of course Labour will probably win the election or at the very least be the majority party but unlike some on here I have no major hopes that anything significant will change given the current stance re:austerity and financial 'prudence'. All that does is bow to Tory views on the economy which, in my view is a political mistake and will actually damage Labour in the long run. Regards
you jest but flippant comments like that mean nothing, contribute nothing and arguably suggest you have lost the argument/debate since you cant respond effectively
Sounds about right. Even the most basic of services are either insanely expensive or don't work properly. Usually both. The UK must be one of the worst value countries in the world to live in. It's not like we're particularly badly paid here either, at least objectively. Just that such a huge proportion of your income is swallowed up on basics before you've even started to pay for anything nice or interesting.
The argument, if I understand it, is that Starmer is not to be trusted/supported. You have failed to persuade me to that view. I think your view of the matter is naive, but I respect your right to hold it.
Still on the table for removing tax breaks though - which is more important. If it were up to me I'd ban private schools altogether. They did it in Finland decades ago and their education system is now generally regarded as second to none. I can't see that ever happening here though, they have far too many powerful friends in the establishment.
Crazy isn't it. You look elsewhere in the world and the power of the possible becomes evident. But we're so entrenched in the class system and inherited privilege that something like that seems unthinkable and unachievable.
I'd rather they were out in the open as the actual BNP than masquerading as centrist Conservatives. The odd extremist MP would have little or no power to affect the lives of the rest of us like the Tory nut jobs have done.