Why is it ok to come on here and slag off a kid, 18, for no reason when he hasn't even had a chance to prove himself yet? We're better than that.
This forum is mental at times. Personally today I think Chapman has done alright. Kane on the other hand is having a stinker.
As far as I could see he wasn't slagging him off. Was just expressing an opinion. Your response was abusive and uncalled for.
I would have played Russell in the middle and Kane and Styles either side. I stick by my Chapman comment.. nothing to do with skin colour despite what RR thinks. He like Palmer flatters to deceive.. I fail to see what he brings that adds anything to the team.. he's not and nowhere near ready..
I think you're being unfair, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, and I've never known you express yours in anything other than a respectful way. As for what Red Rob said... I think he's right that we shouldn't slag off young players. Do I think you're racist? No, I do not. However, from what you've written on here, I'm guessing you're my age or older, brought up in Barnsley, similar background to myself (I could be completely wrong). We're the generation that rejected racism. However, it is impossible to have been brought up in the environment that I was brought up in and not have that rub off on you in some way. I don't say, and heave never said, anything overtly racist. I don't think those thoughts. But do I say things that I'm not even aware are not enlightened due to being a product of my environment? I don't doubt that for a second that I do. When a black player playing for Barnsley ever gets compared to another player on this forum, they're always compared to another black player. Almost without exception. I'm sure I've done it. I don't think there's any malice in it, but neither do I think it's helpful.
Whenever Barnsley have a black player, they are unfairly critiqued. Be it Palmer, Adebojeyo, Russell Cole, Odour, Sibbick etc. They are the scapegoat. They always have to do much, much more to win over the fanbase. It's something which hugely annoys me on here and is what I over-reacted to - our latest black player being very unfairly critiqued before even kicking a ball in a meaningful game for us. Comments like 'doesn't track back' and similar which infer they are lazy are often used. I apologise SC as my reaction was over the top and it is unfair to pick on one poster in particular on a broader issue, but it is certainly a theme on here and I thought your opinion of young Chapman was incredibly harsh. Maybe you watch all the youth games and know the player better than the rest of us to have firmed such a strong opinion of him.
You are right. Some of the opinions on here are mental. To rate young Chapman above Kane is a perfect example. No disrespect intended towards Chapman by the way, as I’m sure he’ll do well given time.
I have no qualms about rating Chapmans performance today above Kanes. Kane was awful and didn't improve in the second half after Chapman went off.
I do agree that were not getting the best out of him but Kane's a brilliant player that is being shackled this season until we are chasing the game, I thought he was everywhere in the second half. All opinions though WR.
What did people think to styles performance? For me a player who should be tearing this league a new one... also I haven't been impressed by kane this season very hit and miss.
Styles looked much better when he moved into the middle and linked up with Kane. In fact they both did. Good players complement good players.