TICKETS | LEYTON ORIENT (A) Ticket News Ticket details have been confirmed for the game with Leyton Orient at the Brisbane Road Stadium… Continue reading on the official site...
‘Unemployed with proof of benefit reciept’… nothing like kicking a bloke when he’s already on the floor….
Not sure how unemployment benefit works. So how does anybody in that category get recognised. ? If not through benefit. Or could we all claim we are unemployed. And it be accepted, Genuine question. Ambulant Disabled have to provide proof. Of PIP And rightly so tbf. Age groups have to provide proof I believe. Both usually inputted into the system if season ticket holders. Orient/ We've only played there 4 times in 54 years and the last time was 8 years ago. It's a London match which is always popular, we have a free weekend the week before and our away record is far better than our home record. Even at £36 flipping quid for a coach journey it will sell out.
We've routinely taken 1,000+ to nearby Charlton while I've been going. It's not a stretch to suggest we'll take just over that to a ground we've barely ever played at. I hope it at least makes general sale so I can get one, mind.