I can't get my head around why she won't let you have contact and shared custody. My ex couldn't wait for me to pick George up so she could be a boogie mamma.
Nothing to worry about then. As @Gegenpresser says put the kids first. Could you ask if she'd agree to mediation to discuss when you see them and handovers?
Me and the ex didn't need mediation. I told her that she might end up biting off more than she could chew (time wise) and she backed down. Basically told her I wouldn't fight and any decision she made was final as I wasn't going to go through the courts. As she wanted me to see more of George not less she'd have been basically laughed out of court. Called me a w@nker for not contesting things with her and agreed to current situation which we're both fine with until the next episode.
Do not go there without a solicitor or brief. I Repeat get legal advise and take them, do not accept a caution for an easy option. It's not.
Tried to get me to agree to have George an extra night and stamped her feet and shouted very loudly. I told her she'd left me in a huge amount of debt and my parents were helping me out. It was one night or day visits and it was their home not mine. She tried softening me up later and asked me if I had my own place I'd have him longer. I told her I'd re-assess it in 2027 when the Santander loan was paid back.
What’s the legal definition of harass? Sending a polite message once a day if you haven’t had a reply is not the same as one every 10 minutes. My point being you may think you’re guilty because you sent some messages but it doesn’t mean you were. Like others have said, take legal advise over this and start a seperate process over getting access etc.
I’d be over moon if I just got a slap on the wrists and a restraining order I just want this ordeal to be over and see my kids..
You don't sound to be thinking straight. Try and remain calm and listen to the people telling you to take legal advice.
You need legal help ,through the courts. I have a great Guy who will support you with this. Incidentally his name is Guy , at Mills Kemp n Brown.
Unless you’ve been abusive on your messages then trying to repair your marriage and see your kids isn’t a crime……..dont be harsh on yourself either, try n see then good things you offer to them and build on that. Hope you get things sorted for you and your kids
The father has admitted to harassing his ex to the point where she’s had to get the police involved. Lovey messages over and over again that are unwanted are still harassment, as he has acknowledged. Hopefully, everything can be sorted out for the kids’ sake.
No contact is the best way forward but my ex abuses that to tell me she's dating etc. No matter how much I re iterate WhatsApp time is for George's benefit not hers. I've done her the service of not contacting her at all unless it's about George. She should show me the same courtesy and privacy.