She's clearly unhappy/ jealous or she wouldn't be like it, I've had hell with my EX over the last 10 yes 10 years since i divorced her,BUT I've never risen to it. I let her get on with it and it goes over my head.
Have you ever spilt with someone you love? I did temporarily and it’s very very hard not to want to make contact, if you’ve not lived that moment someone will never know how that person is feeling
It's normal to want to get in touch because we want to know WHY these things are happening and we need to still see our Children.
Sometimes we never get the truth mate. At least I don't have to explain to George when he's older. Doubt she'll tell him the truth anyway. I blame it on the boogie.
I should imagine he probably was going out of his mind over it. Why should she have taken the kids? Its very easy to judge when it's the persons own decisions to leave meanwhile taking HIS kids at the same time . I can only imagine the heartbreak of not only losing a spouse but having 0 idea of when I'd be 'allowed' to see my own kids. I did also preference it after by stating so about abuse etc. Just seen people use someone's kids as weapons far too often and it doesn't get nowhere near spoken about enough unfortunately for some reason
Yes, I have but as they were a cheating beep I didn’t have that urge thankfully. Five years down the drain, blocked them from everything and never spoke a word to them again. (I know that situation is nothing like the OP’s, just having a conversation with you).
It would be nice to know for certain if my ex was a cheating beep. The evidence pointed that way but even though we've parted she can't give me that closure. I may be wrong but I doubt it given how quickly she was dating afterwards and how quickly she filed for CSA.
It wouldn’t help you to know. If you found out she did you’d be more upset and it’s impossible to prove she didn’t so hearing that wouldn’t stop you doubting it anyway.
Sorry if I've missed it, but was there a legal order, i.e. a restraining order? Breach of that is totally a different thing.
It is extremely unwise to be airing this sort of issue on a public forum like this. While I've no reason to question Scholesisgod's character or motives, we need to acknowledge there are several sides to this situation. I suspect this forum is very predominantly male, and it seems wrong to me for people to jump to conclusions. It's a private matter, and ought to remain so.
They That's not the whole story there JD... The wife has been ignoring the 3rd party that the Police said is supposed to be the go between.
I’d definitely not get a caution for harassment if you can help it, there’s harassment and there’s harassment of the nasty kind, I can’t imagine a caution would differentiate. Surely even the legal world must acknowledge the effect that something out of the blue like this can have have on a persons mental health and allow a bit of leeway for period stabilisation realisation and acceptance.
We don't know she was ignoring the 3rd party, we just know it became 'problematic' somehow. We don't know enough to form a judgement either way and the correct advice of get a solicitor has been given and it would be wise if no more information was given on a public forum.