Been there got the t shirt. Get a solicitor to act for you unfortunately it will do little good. You will still lose. The women have so much power in these situations and if like me you will have the privilege of paying money to make sure she can continue to live the life she was accustomed to. I was able to see my kids Tuesday night and all day Sunday. Not a great situation. Just make sure you keep contact with your kids. And watch out for any brainwashing by your ex. If like me a lot of bad things were fed to them and being only 9 and 6 they believed a lot of it. Good luck mate. You will need it.
Occasionally posters who are deeply distressed have turned to this site for support and advice and to their credit other posters have responded . This support I guess has been very important to a poster who has been facing what seem to be insurmountable problems. There may be posters who because of their particular difficulty have no one else to turn to and this Forum may be invaluable - a life-saver for them.
I get what you're saying, but this forum really isn't the place to resolve the OP's issues. It may even work to his disadvantage to be seen to be rallying support on what is predominantly a male forum, particularly one that is often disresepectful to women.
I haven’t seen anywhere from the op’s posts where he has bad mouthed any party. And I can’t envisage a judge pulling up this forum and talking about nudgers bridge. It is an open forum, but all that is asked for is advice on the next steps. With some good advice given in the correct recourse.
Or maybe this forum is a go to for him including many others who can remain anonymous and take some advice or even the banter to lift his spirits in what’s probably worst time of his life
I can just imagine her legal team in court: "In summary your honour, the defendant has exhibited extremely poor behaviour in posting on the BBS where one poster once criticised a lineswoman. It is the belief of the prosecution that he should be given the harshest possible sentence. Ps, Khaled out"
He asked for advice about his upcoming interview under police caution. He has been advised by a few contributors to seek professional legal advice/representation. That is extremely sound advice and I hope he takes it.
I have a solicitor meeting me at 9am on Saturday at donny police station when I’m due to be interviewed. Hopefully this will all be cleared up on Saturday.
Have a look at the first post on this thread, which could be construed as admitting to breaching police advice/conditions. That is the sort of danger I am talking about. The advice to obtain a solicitor is good advice (and appears to have been heeded). My advice not to air the matter on here stands.
Whether you believe you are guilty in the eyes of the law, innocent, or you don't know, it is much, much better to be represented by someone who knows about the law and about these procedures and can explain things to you so you can make an informed decision.
There is, on occasions, "banter" on this site that could be seen as disrespectful to women. But also to men, Wednesday fans, Leeds fans, and other endangered species.
We may aswell stop speaking the world is crazy,still plenty of banter in factory I work at,the the BBS woke mob would probably go home crying if they had to do a shift with us
Just to let everyone know my ex wife has dropped everything with the police and hasn’t contacted them for weeks as I had kept contact to a minimum looks like they were trying it on the police and we have an agreement in place regarding the kids thanks for The support and advice guys!! You reds