2023 and that's what the prime minister of the UK comes out with. Everyone who voted for the Tory scum should be utterly ashamed of themselves
Alienate the North. Check. Alienate the LGBTQ community. Check. Alienate smokers. Check. Alienate non-academic students. Check. Saying no one wants an election, just test that theory, I dare you. Delusional beyond comprehension.
The bloke is a funking disgrace to this country, so is the home secretary. "Multiculturalism has failed". Yes, it has with you lot in charge. "Stop the boats", whilst having no actual immigration system at all. Virtually no one was crossing the channel in 2010, in case no one has noticed that. They have run our country into the ground, pocketed the profits for them & their donors & have made us look like an Orwellian State to the rest of the world. If we don't get rid of this pile of **** now, we have only ourselves to blame. If you vote Green in a first past the post system, when it is Labour vs Conservative / Lib Dem / SNP / Plaid, you are bringing it on yourself. I'd vote Green by choice, but there are two choices under FPTP, unless you live in Brighton.
Only if they have the best chance of beating the Tory scum. If so, yes. Are you in such a constituency? TBH if these cnuts get in again we can say goodbye to everything & be serf. Simple choice fella.
This Tory Party front bench is sat in a gun boat, sponsored by the Daily Mail, shooting down poor folks escaping wars they gave the bombs to drop on them. Not my country at the moment.
It’s the people who genuinely suffer from body dysphoria I feel sorry for. You can’t even Google that term now, it filters it to body dysmorphia. Men dressing as women and wanting to access women only spaces need to be stopped. If you are prepared to put your money where your mouth is and get the surgery, fair enough, that’s the kind of commitment I can get behind. Otherwise, you can dress how you want but it doesn’t make you a women. Sorry.
Last time I voted for them they sold me out and thousands of others mate. They're worse than scum in my eyes. Power grabbing lovely people who sold their souls for three pieces of silver. As for the Tory's I take being called scum to heart.
Out of all the **** he comes out with, I don't see that one as being contentious. I suspect its a popular policy. Unless you are under 14 and looking forward to being able to start smoking. Whether it is actually workable is an entirely different matter.
ri I'd say just take a look at the party's and their policies whichever is best for you and the majority and you want to vote go with them.. that's what I would do if I was voting.
A difficult one that. There are many that are selfish and vote best for themselves and not the majority. And there are those with a social conscience that vote for the majority and not themselves. And then there are the Daily hate working class, that vote the tories in and are happy to serve their masters. For a pittance.
I agree but as someone who isn't really political that works both ways with people hating anyone who's doing well only a few months ago there was a thread about renting houses one poster even described all landlords as scum.. I'd hazard a guess who those posters are voting. Always struggled to find a political party who appeals to me so more often then not I've opted out of voting.
Don’t disagree with principal of what you’ve put but how do you vote for the majority? Surely unless you discuss with everyone you don’t know what they want? At best it would be what you think they want, which with best will in the world will always be influenced by your opinion.