I vote LibDem because they are the main opposition where I live, although I’ve been a Labour supporter all my life. It’s not a democracy when you know your vote is wasted when you vote for what you want.
I know one landlord that has not increased rent on his 3 properties for several years. Prior then Due to the pandemic and cost of living. For his tenants. He invested in properties rather than pensions. Carrys out work and repairs to the highest standards. I'd take the posters "all landlords are scum" with a pinch of salt. Some call all the police scum. Obviously they are not in most cases. I've Just read a book called supergrasses and bent coppers. You really come to appreciate What most are about. My view on the Met for example having experienced em during the miners strike isnt exactly complementary. And I may use the term. the met are corrupt and ******** beyond belief. (Especially given the last few years of bad publicity) But I've no doubt a lot are decent human beings. And it's up to them to weed the others out. Rather than sit on the fence and keep Schtum. The biggest issue with that. is if a section is predominantly the bad element shall we say. The person may end up isolated from his colleagues. My favourite saying as most are aware are tory mps are lovely people. But I have yet to come across one on what I've seen and heard. To backtrack on that view. "With gritted teeth" because I hate the feckers. I'd just say a few maybe misguided.
Yes. I see your point. But in effect it's the me, me. me selfish ones v the everyone should live in a society where no one suffers. Eg poverty. And reaching for the begging bowl. Food banks for example. They are not in the majority. So in effect im supporting a minority. And tbh I wouldn't need to ask others opinions, Regardless of others opinions. I see it as those with with a social conscience don't need to consult anyone. Hope that explains my view better mate.
Following the speech by the Home Secretary on Tuesday, we had a group of terrorists (for that is what they are) break into a hotel housing asylum seekers and trying to set it on fire. Expect attacks on the LGBTQ+ community in the next few days.
Lies, lies and more damned lies. Even on Tuesday ministers were being rolled out in the media to say a decision on HS2 had not been taken. We all know, even those interviewing them, that they were all lying through their teeth.
that’s the way I see it, too many pervs and weirdos ( ie men who would dress as a woman for the sole purpose of accessing women’s safe areas) to take advantage of it otherwise
I said that and I stand by it. In purchasing more houses (more often than not with buy to let mortgages), all it does is deny normal folk the opportunity to buy their own houses. I've loads of mates who are stuck on the renting treadmill - unable to save up for a deposit because they're paying over the odds per month to feather the bed of someone else. You see rents this days at £650PCM for a 3 bed semi in Wombwell - there's no way the mortgage is that much. The more "property developers" you see and hear about, the more house prices are driven up. That means that Mr and Mrs Normal with their two kids have to rent. Then when you start renting, you can't get out of it.
In many ways the Lib Dems are more socialist than the Labour Party, in others they are a bit Tory but they are their own party. What they especially stand for and what this country really need is a complete change of Parliament - Commons and Lords. We need a more democratic voting system, we need a more democratic upper house, we need a root and branch change to how the Commons works. Labour and Cons will not offer that.
How much are you looking at for a three bed semi in Wombwell? £150-200k? You aren’t getting a mortgage payment under £650pcm on a £150k mortgage unless it’s over 75 years or interest only. Nowhere near. Probably the best part of a grand, maybe more. Whilst I sympathise with your view up to a point, the way the U.K. economy has gone over the past decade and the time it will take to recover, normal working folk aren’t going to be homeowners in the future and renting will be the norm for more and more. Home ownership is being priced out of reality for a lot - I’m not saying I agree this is fair, but it is the reality. We don’t need a ban on private landlords, we need a proper fair system and better legislation.
What desperate stuff. A cost of living crisis, public services in tatters, declining living standards for everyone but the asset wealthy. Let's ramble on about how Sam, 26 from Redcar describes their gender identity. The real issue in Britain today. They must have given up on resembling a credible govermment. Either that or the crackpots genuinely have risen up to the top of the Tory party.
Problem with that is that a lot of their voter base agree, despite it not affecting 99.9% of them in the slightest. They've been whipped up and conned by made up stories about blokes pretending to be women just to perve on other women, self-serving shits like the local MP Miriam Cates hiding her bigotry behind Christianity and the old classic "bUt Kier StArMer CaNt deFine wHaT a wOmaN is". Either that or they were always bigots and now feel empowered by the headbangers in government Am I slightly confused why some people think they've been born in the wrong bodies? Yes. Does what those people do affect me in the slightest and do I feel the need to be nasty and vindictive about it? No.
The thing that gets me about the 'blokes dressing up as women to perve' argument... Always been possible. Always been illegal. Trans rights are nowt to do with someone deciding to commit a sex offence.
Wrong on so many levels imo. Houses lay empty. Those on the rental market are in demand way over the councils ability to provide. In an ideal world. nobody would be able to not put a roof over their head. They serve a purpose to those who cannot get a mortgage. Be it not enough income or afford a mortgage without work. You stand by your. all scum if you want. But private landlords provide at this moment in time an essential service to many. I have no qualms in calling disreputable landlords scum. But the vast majority do not deserve that tag. Millions of council house owners got out of renting with the right to buy. Which. whether we like it or not was seen as investing for the future. What do you think of those ? The right to buy is still in place btw. In England. I prefer to look at this rather than blame landlords entirely. There are over one million homes without residents in England and there are hundreds of thousands of people in housing need. We must act now and long-term empty homes and unused second homes - which make up over 530,000 of those homes without residents – are a good place to start.27 Feb 2023 So compulsory purchases are needed. Imo. If the owners are not prepared to sell or rent for whatever reason in a certain period. Or as sometimes is the case. a lot will go to the state if no will is left if someones dies intestate. With no-one to pass onto. But it takes years. Before that happens. If you've ever watched the programme Heirhunters you'll see what I mean. A race against time.
Tax on second homes (and third... and fourth...) homes is in dire need of reform. Not just Stamp Duty but Council Tax too. Some councils even offer discounts on CT to people who don't live there all year round! That would surely be an easy win to build some revenues to tackle the housing crisis. Can't afford to keep up with the tax on your second home? Tough, sell it so there's more stock available for people who need somewhere to live.
That's it, probably diversion stuff. Countrys on its arse we just scrapped hs2 northern and shafted the North. What can we say to take abit of the pressure off get people talking about something else...