I agree. 2nd and 3rd homes lying empty for most of the time are abhorrent. If you want a holiday. rent that type of accommodation. Plenty around.
Good post.. by the looks of the news today more and more landlords are looking to sell their BTLs and get out of the rental market https://propertyindustryeye.com/btl...up-as-its-the-most-financially-viable-option/ https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money...elling-properties-look-four-main-reasons.html
it’s just another thing to add to the right wing “who do we hate today” id love to see the stats of men convicted of sex offendes whilst dressed as a female. I’m willing to bet whilst of course as important as other crimes it’s a microscopic percentage of crime, they don’t stop this horrible government, the daily heil or those idiots who l
Doesn't surprise me tbh. And those that can afford a mortgage will buy. Those on the rental market will have less opportunities. It's a sad state of affairs. Tis why I'd put more effort into empty homes. Only the government or private sector would be able to invest. The council may buy em. And likely have to spend money to make a lot of em Habitable. Although in receipt of council house sales to reinvest into the housing market. it's only been allowed to spend 100% of the receipts from 2022-2024 and to be spent b4 5yrs are up.
And why can't these people get mortgages? Because landlords are stock piling houses and driving up the prices so that regular Joe Bloggs can't afford it. 130k was quoted earlier in the thread. How can someone stick 13k down as a deposit when they're paying Joe Landlord £650 PCM? They can't. So they're stuck on an endless cycling of renting to pay their landlords Buy To Let Mortgages. Yes some landlords might do repairs to a good standard, or stick a nice new boiler in - but that's only masking the real problem. That the tenant is in no position to be able to do that themselves due to the rental outgoings and inability to save money. On a side note, a lot of the rest of your post I agree with and you made some very good points. Edit: we've gone off topic on this thread tbf, so I'll leave it for now. Back to the Tory Bashing.
Said it before, the New House builders are the biggest influence on property prices. If Governments forced them to build more or built more themselves the demand would be significantly less, making a house generally more affordable, meaning private renting would be less appealing. Despite an ever increasing demand production has actually slowed quite a bit as sales have slowed, any other industry would make themselves competitive to keep selling but a major house builders answer is to stop building, sit on land and wait, knowing full well that prices will return when the demand does.
I follow some American sites and the number of police, preachers and right-wing supporters/politicians convicted of child sex offences far outweighs the odd 1-2 trans (or men dressed as women - unless you count a cassock as a dress).
I'd scrap council tax in favour of a wealth tax on property. Annual payment 1% of estimated market value for first home. Second home is 2%, 3rd 3%, etc - unless they are rented out on long-term rentals.
Hey lads, what are we doing talking about all this relevant and important stuff? Rish! has given us a diversionary topic to talk about instead; the proposed smoking ban.... oh and 7 bins and meat tax come on get with the program.
Are you ok with this? https://www.skynews.com.au/australi...ws-story/2dd2086bc1ad098cec40764f5eae923e?amp Within GA and Australian Gymnastics Organisation managed facilities individuals have the right to use the changing and bathroom facilities that best reflect their gender identity. ——- So I can just say I’m a woman tomorrow and start using the female changing rooms? Do you think this is going to attract more sex abuser/paedophile to self identify as women or less?
No, you can't just put a dress on tomorrow and access the spaces. In Australia since 2013, you have needed to provide documentary evidence from medical professionals (doctor or psychologist) before you can register as a different gender - and those medical professionals would pick up on the underlying reasons that you are not genuine. And again, you are far, far more likely to be abused by a friend, family member or a man in a "trusted" position than one of the 1,260 Australians that registered as transgender in the 2016 census - roughly half of those will be female to male.
Oh dear. You are exactly the person Sunak is appealing to in this vile rhetoric he’s spouting in trying to gain support. Am I ok with a national sports governing body creating an accepting and inclusive environment for trans athletes? Yes. Can you just say you’re a woman? Up to you. But if you do, and you’re not, what is your motivation? Do I think it will attract more or less abusers or paedophiles to identify as women? Neither. I don’t think it will affect that number in any significant way. As there are no examples of this being done for criminal sexual benefit whatsoever. Anywhere. Anyone who does is in a vast, huge minority. And they are vile creatures who would find another outlet to satisfy their abhorrent needs regardless - does that thought not occur? Clearly you feel that the world should not have any inclusivity for anyone suffering gender dysphoria or have a genuine gender identity issue, just in case it enables sexual deviants of a particular type, of which we’ve seen few, in fact I can’t think of any, examples. I can assure you that the number of such deviants is outnumbered exponentially by the people who’d be unfairly cast aside. Your argument appears to be that we can’t allow trans people to use gendered facilities in public aligned to what they identify as their gender, as some of them might not be genuine and have criminal motivation for doing so - but it is essentially similar to saying that some lorry drivers murder prostitutes so we need to ban driving lorries, or that several seventies kids tv stars are wrong uns, so we need to lock all of them up just in case.
What the heck are future generations going to do when they are all non binary. "Are you dating" "Yes" "Dare I ask, lad or lass. "Non binary" "Well are you hetro. Gay or bi." "Bi. why" "I was only asking as I dont know whether to ask you out" I say this as my niece has decided to class her baby non binary. Ffs let the child decide when mature enough. It's tantamount to calling it. IT.
An extreme example I agree (partly tongue in cheek as it wouldnt happen) . But That wasnt the answer I got. In that circumstance. Else I'd agree to an extent. I quite frankly don't agree with everything that's thrown in our face. As in the way I pointed out at the end re the niece. I won't confront her with it. But I dont agree with it. If that makes me a bad person so be it. By the way it's a girl and dressed as a girl. Can I ask your opinion on a young schoolgirl 11 ish . That wants to be identified by her classmates as a cat. I honestly wouldn't know where to start with that one tbh.
You must have added the niece bit after I responded but I agree there. It isn’t a parents right to suggest their child is non binary or misgendered. That, as you rightly assert, is for the individual only to figure out for themselves.
It's what prompted me tbh. In the first edition. But thought what the heck. I'll say why. then edited. No one on here can possibly know who. I've that many nieces lol. And a few lovable barmpots and not afraid to tell em. Tongue in cheek.
Yeah. It was a made up controversy based on questions asked during a discussion. Lots of hot air for those who push these things. Not so much when the investigation found there was nothing to it. https://www.theguardian.com/educati...ntroversy-from-a-tiktok-video-to-media-frenzy
Completely agree with this. The Lords system is a piss take. Take ‘Lord Ian Austin’. After many years working as a Labour MP he decides he’s had enough of it. In exchange for coming out & claiming the Labour Party is anti-Semitic in the build up to the 2019 election he gets made a Lord by Boris Johnson. This is a bloke who’s fiddled expenses, took the piss out of the second home situation, been abusive on several occasions in the House of Commons, voted for war & against enquiries every single time & had to pay damages for false racism allegations yet he’s paid by us for the rest of his days.