Force and voluntary means slavery mate. Though I do get your point. Its a double kick in teeth, because now we're paying for him for the rest of his life and he could probably get even more money later on claiming sick pay with PTSD or depression due to all abuse and him ruining his own life
I was driving down one of the major roads in florida. And what I saw, was what was termed in the old days as a chain gang. (except they dont chain em anymore) Basically litter picking at the side of the rd. In prison suits. The question I pose is, why in the uk it's either prison or community service. Not both. I see no real reason why. With persistent offences. Community sentences can be given for crimes such as: damaging property assault Theft You may get a community sentence if: the court thinks you’re more likely to stop committing crime than if you go to prison. it’s the first time you have committed a crime. you have a mental health condition that affects your behaviour.
In America, the prison operators get paid for the prisoners to do the work and the prisoners get a pittance. Its effectively slavery for profit.
I mean it's a stupid thing to do, but I dunno how comfortable I am with ruining someone's life for doing something daft at a football game because one person decided to capture it & put it on social media.
Alternatively, it might be the wake up call he needed. F around and find out and all that. Had he not chosen of his own free will to do that, someone couldn’t have photographed him and posted it. He’s 31, I might have agreed with you if he was 18.
My issue, and no matter how distasteful it is, is we're in essence saying 'this offended some people so you've committed a crime'. It's not linked to religion, it's not a swastika or icon of oppression etc. It just doesn't sit right with me - either the fact he's done it, someone has put it on social media or he's been charged with a crime. No way if a copper had seen that would they have arrested him so we're ultimately policing based on public reaction.
So by the same token do you consider community service slavery. (As they don't get paid anything. not a pittance as they appear to do in America),. But the probation service do. Although in the public sector. You call it slavery. Is it not punishment. As I see it tbh.
Big difference between a public body in the probationary service overseeing community activities as a pay back to community they've committed a crime in v private corporations using incarcerated men & women to create products for profit.
I get that and maybe I didnt get my main point over. Which is basically I see it as punishment of the offenders. Not slavery. Which in my view is usually referenced to innocent (note) people put in a situation against their will. (Or paid a pittance for a job they do.) Slavery is abhorrent in my world. Punishment is not. (Depending on the severity) I'll leave it there as it's probably a play on words and I'd struggle to be convinced otherwise. It's not a major issue. Thanks for the reply though.
I think you're wrong on this one. You can't be doing what they've done. The Lincoln fan who died the other night? You reckon if I went down to the Lincoln away end and took a massive banner stating "HAHA THAT OLD CODGER HAS DIED HAHAHHAHA DEATH IS FUNNY" that it would wash? Not for me.
No. But this isn't a massive banner to deliberately provoke attention with malice & planning. It's an idiot holding a 6inch picture in the air.
Freedom of speech though innit. It's not a swastika. Or a symbol of oppression. And it's not linked to religion. Those were your barometers. Both are wrong and should be punished accordingly.
Both are wrong. But in your example, I've gone out & bought materials, spent time making something with an obvious deliberate intention to cause offence & try and have a scrap. I get arrested on sight and rightly so. Do you think this lad would've been arrested had it not been put on Social Media? If a copper saw it live would he have been arrested? I can't see it.
Depends on the Copper I suppose - I would hope so, but you're probably right in that he wouldn't. Doesn't make it the right outcome though.
Yes, sorry I wasn't clear enough - thats fine in my opinion for a set amount of time bud. But he's only 31- is he supposed to do that for the rest of his life?
Redemption and forgiveness used to be a thing, but in the social media high court, it's just condemn and move on to the next horreur.
It’s distasteful and evidence of an actual odious pr!ck. But not sure he need be absolutely ruined… educated yes.