I think the subs made the difference, Cotter and Macatee. Think I'll go Mael, shame he didn't get that goal!
MDG. I love this guy, after a shaky start he's getting better. I think we've found a real diamond here.
Very easy one this. Williams kept the best player on the pitch down to one chance, did the defensive job of two players covering for O'Keeffe and was our best player by a mile both defensively and driving forward until the subs were made. It may have looked different on the TV but for those of us there, no other vote really, Williams also maturing as a captain talking MdG through the game. If you look at it objectively too It's easy to play middle of three centre backs with nobody to mark most of the game tbh. McCart made some good interventions also and would be second for me, MdG third and O'Keeffe, Russell and Watters a clear bottom three.
I've gone for Mael, who I thought was superb. However, all the central defenders were excellent and, for me, looked a decent triumvirate.
Might as well give Mael player of the month already. Hasn't put a foot wrong since coming into the side. Thought McCart looked steady too. Quite a few in the MDT said Roberts kept us in it again, but I don't think that was the case. Made a couple of good stops though.