Exactly not even sure why the trust haven’t actively picked this up already with the absolute wall of silence from the club on the matter.
Thanks mate. That's just how I feel. Badly let down. Yeah we can all jest about Man Utd shirts and Tarn shorts n' socks but I'm not with George's mother anymore and this makes me look like a bigger w@nker than I'm comfortable with. I'm a bit fed up with people p1ssing up my back and think someone from the club should take some responsibility.
I'm a little confused with that reply tbh. You tell me. I don't know. Either way. I'm not claiming owt. Just questioning your percieved fact or is it an assumption. Eg. Are you on the Trust commitee. ?. Or spoken to one of em. ?. One thing I do know is. If I get invited to the next meeting. Eg fan engagement I'll certainly ask the questions and report back. If I'm not beaten to it.
Exactly. Because I would imagine the trust would have communicated to the fact that they have raised concerns and what feedback they have received. But again nothing to point to that being a fact either. Thanks btw. It was raised at the last one. Nothing changed following it.
I've seen people wearing it at the match which is presumably those who ordered it in July. Its never been available in the club shop. My son has £40 of his birthday money ready to buy it but there's no way I'm ordering it through Fanatics.
Just noticed my sons estimated arrival been pushed back to 19th Oct from the 13th so it would appear it’s not going to be delivered any time soon. I mean they have only missed the target date by 2 months and 14 days now. Probably need to be a bit more patient I guess.
Sorry just noticed ! No I didn’t watch the Swiss game but see we won easily. What happens next ? You’re right about the black shirts .. I can’t recall seeing one either
Hope the link works mate. Click on scores and scroll. Be aware there are lots till you get to the latest and games going forward. Re the black shirts I've not seen one but have to look twice. As I mistook last seasons for em. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...8QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0MJ-ucBzktbtrZUt7uT6GQ
Another disappointed customer here. I ordered the 3rd shirt for my son. It never arrived so I've emailed them, their reply "We advise you to cancel it as it is out of stock and we won't be restocking it". Thanks for that.
For all the good that's happening on the field, the positive start, the away performances and the current league position - once again, our off the field stuff is pathetic. We've got in to bed with another dodgy third party (cough hex cough) and then we've ostriched our heads into the sand when things have gone belly up. Over to you Khaled.
Maybe. Its been an absolute disaster from a fan point of view. Find it hard to understand why the club havent addressed it.
You have to remember that the club under the same CEO acted just as badly with the vouchers fiasco with a wall of silence in the face of customer complaints and a wall of silence in the face of customer complaints over the season ticket fiasco this season and a wall of silence in the face of the great delivery fee balls up of last season too. The club, under his stewardship, truly has an appalling record in responding to genuine issues affecting large numbers of supporters. I also find it hard to understand WHY the club haven't addressed it but under Khaled I am not surprised at all. It's exactly how Issues like this have been treated throughout his employment at the club.