The official report into the fire hasn't been released yet, so this is probably news via the investigative journalists on Facebook.
Every single reliable source I can find still says its believed to be an electrical fault in a diesel car that started it so unless someone gives me a reliable link Im sticking with that
This getting ridiculous now. Morris, Woodrow, Brown and Clark etc fair enough. But buying our smouldering 76-seat Bedford? It's beyond obsession.
As far as I’ve seen they still believe it was an electrical or fuel line fault in a diesel Range Rover
One of the photos published online by someone who witnessed the start of it showed the registration plate of that range rover. It was E10 EFL. Easy to look it up at the time that it was a 2014 Range Rover Evoque diesel, although, it is clearly a private plate and has since been put back on retention so if you look it up now, it's not assigned to a vehicle.
So, I work for Europcar and that car park is where we hold our Luton Airport fleet. As this point it is unclear what exactly started the fire however the reason for the collapse of the floor was due to a Tesla. A Tesla’s battery sets on fire at 250° which is so hot that it made the structure of the car park fail. This fire ball fell through the floor of the multi story and set fire to the cars on the level below. At this point it is incorrect to say that an EV started or created the fire but it became a major issue once the fire was created. Don’t be sucked into the eco culture war that the press are creating. EVs are safe and are not bombs created by the left wing elite to nuke the west.
For planes they do. However, they have to be ready in case of a plane crash. If they diverted the airport fire engines to that fire they'd have to suspend landings while they were fighting the fire - even if they have the correct equipment for fighting that type of fire. And they'd have to drive around to the car park - which can be a long way around at airports. So it was probably quicker to bring the normal fire brigade with the correct equipment for fighting that type of fire.