Can any of you still defend him in light of his slap in the face of loyal supporters who he is refusing to acknowledge regarding the kit fiasco? How that man is still in a job I'll never know. His wall of silence is disgraceful in my opinion and it's a pattern that has followed him since he arrived here
Yes because our CEO and indeed our entire board of directors are treating loyal customers with contempt. It's disgusting and indefensible. There is a cost of living crisis and people in a pretty poor town have laid out a lot of hard earned cash to buy a shirt and they've been massively let down by a company who have, in the club's name, taken that hard earned money and provided absolutely nothing. The CEO and directors have been made aware of that fact and know the feeling of supporters yet they have responded with a wall of silence which shows a disgraceful disregard for their supporters. So yes I'm angry. I'm angry that yet again the same CEO is treating supporters in this way after he did the same thing in light of the vouchers **** up, the season ticket **** up and the forced and then removed delivery fee **** up to name just a few. I'm more perplexed why some people AREN'T angry at their fellow supporters being treated this way
You're spot on. This is how you lose fans. I can't get George the second and third kit now. A lot of children support the team of their first strip. I know I bought him the Tottenham kit but that was actually ordered after the Barnsley kit. I'm getting him the Spurs away strip now for Christmas instead of the preferred Barnsley kits.
I’m not sure Khaled would have been the only one signing off on using fanatics. The Board must have signed this off from a financial perspective. Granted the due diligence was probably Khaleds area but we don’t know he hasn’t done that and got duff advice! If a company is promising something and not delivering we should be looking at another agreement with another company or self producing the shirts, whilst also considering legal action against Fanatics. Issue is how much does that cost £100k? £1 million. Would you prefer the club correct this mistake or let it play out and get a defender in the window?
Translation: they hero worship their superiors and have an im alright jack attitude of **** my fellow man and woman.
Clearly you're not happy with Khaled, I get that. What I don't get though, is why you're going out of your way to try and pick a fight with other fans about it.
I tend not to get angry at anything really, waste of energy. Tbh I don't have much empathy with people who spend money on 'pre-order'. What an absolute stain on modern society that has become. Fookin pre-order, fook off, I'll give you my cash when it's available thanks.
Not being angry at someone/by someone is now hero worshipping? I'd be shocked if all this was just down to Khaled.
I would prefer the club to open their mouths and speak. Mistakes happen, I make them all the time, it's how you deal with them that matters and refusing to acknowledge a problem isn't the right way to do it. At work I called a customer up myself today to acknowledge a mistake on an issue. I wasn't the one who made the error but it was the right thing to do to call, apologise and tell them how I was going to do everything I could to put it right. We do quite a lot of e-commerce too meaning customers will contact at completely random times. It doesn't matter if it's a weekend or at night, if I get a customer complaint about our e-commerce I will answer it immediately even if it is just to say that I will look into it when I'm back in the office. Why? Because I AM a customer and I know that if I've got a problem then as soon as I've got a response, even if it isn't a solution yet, it makes me feel better. In the face of mistakes I treat our customers how I'd like to be treated. Sadly the same cannot be said for bfc under this CEO.
Because they defend him and it's harming our club and hurting our supporters as it allows him to continue on in the same manner time after time.
He has no defence. If I was as bad at my job as he is his, I'd be signing on every fortnight and doing cash in hand work for someone.
I think you need to calm down as you're getting borderline personal with your constant negativity and abuse towards Khaled. Every single situation at the club you are pinning on Khaled. Don't you think those above him have a say? Question for you - Were you this negative towards Gauthier Ganaye? The guy that alledgedly completely ****** up the Angus MacDonald to Hull transfer that cost the club 750k. I don't remember Gauthier getting anywhere near this abuse.