I think you are completely missing the point. I'm not blaming Khaled for the **** up. I am blaming him, as CEO of the club, for the wall of silence in light of the **** up. I have also said that the rest of the board of directors should be ashamed of themselves. And yes I criticised ganaye too for the **** up there. And Dane Murphy for things he did, and Patrick cryne, and basically all of them when I feel it's been needed. If Khaled doesn't like being called out for refusing to offer an explanation and an apology to supporters for this then there's a really easy solution, and it's to explain and apologise. It's not exactly the hardest thing to do is it?
Not missing the point mate, he has made a number of **** ups (some small and some big i.e. West Stand closure) but I think some of the abuse he is getting is way over the top. Apart from chubby cheeks Benji Mansford who loved the sound of his own voice then to be honest I don't think the comms has ever been that great irrespective of who was at the helm. Perhaps Dane when things were going well but he sure hid away when we started to struggle. Mind, him having to deal with Paul Conway on a daily basis must have been bad enough. Yes the club / Khaled should come out and address these issues, but history tells us that's unlikely to happen. Looks like Khaled may be moving on at the end of the season!
History does say it's unlikely to happen but is that an excuse? And is that something that should or even can be defended? Like I said, he can very easily stop any perceived 'abuse' from customers pissed off that he is refusing to acknowledge a big problem. Why is he choosing not to? That's the question I'd like answering. I'll praise him for the good things that have happened under his watch. The flatbreads last season (and no I'm not joking) and the general food offerings this season are light years ahead of what we've had before. The maintenance done on the stadium during the summer was better than I've seen for many years with the place looking fresh and clean. Turning down offers for some players has been a good move in my opinion. The electronic advertising boards (not sure if that was him or Murphy). Sadly it's all overshadowed by the refusal to acknowledge mistakes.
Don't get this thread at all. Supertyke. You slag off at the first opportunity. Then claim to give credit when it's due. What is your point. Is it because people are not hell bent on criticising every point. You call em Kahled supporters. But in most if not all cases. has one single person not criticised this debacle. It stinks of point scoring and is out of order. Imo. Some are glass half full. Some half empty. Where do you lay. There have been many who are supportive of the board. But made it quite clear on here. where they stand on this issue. .The subject is repeated many times, rightfully so, by those who have been treat abysmally. And it will be the main topic at the next meeting. (If there is one) Come along.
Do you honestly believe anyone is anything but disgusted at this debacle. I really wouldnt think the question needs asking.
Yes I do. I believe there are people so desperate to defend him that they will completely overlook it.
Plenty. including myself accepted the early stated delays as unavoidable. But those delays became indefensible. And then the issue of incorrect items and then the unacceptable cancellation of orders. I dont think anyone in their right mind. And I include the board in that. Think otherwise. The board have to take some responsibility and issue a statement. I think we all agree on that point. If they don't and for the sake of repeating myself. Next seasons sales Will be a disaster. Action needs taking now. I dont know how the contract works. But it definitely needs overhauling. If the plug can't be pulled so to speak.
To be fair if anyone is going to be responsible for George supporting Spurs over Barnsley it's you not Khaled.
Wouldn't be the first time then would it, how many times are we going to go through this with a bloke that is just not up to the job?
I don’t think anyone is happy about the Fanatics debacle. I know this because it’s been done to death on here. Why on earth is there another thread about it?! I’ve no idea if the fault lies with Khalid, Fanatics, Puma, or a combination the above. Neither does the OP, but the mental gymnastics some on here do to slag KEA and / or the club is getting very tiresome. Occasionally there’s probably a decent point made but it gets lost in all the other bumph.
A few on here excusing many of these fiascos by saying it probably wasn't down to him, it would have been the board? Would it? Really? He's CEO, if his limit of responsibility stops at slowly fixing toilet door handles, I hope he's on one of them £20k a year jobs we keep advertising.
He said he was 99.9% in charge of all decision makings during one of the fans forums the other year. Unless he was lying.
I had a decent session in the Northern Quarter in Manchester last night but I didn't notice anyone with a Barnsley shirt on obviously because they can’t get hold of them , it’s a disgrace