Couple of things I’d missed yesterday, one I didn’t pick up on live and one as I was watching with no audio. Kane’s ‘attempt’ to close down when they had the ball in the right channel just outside the box (about 1:20 on this vid) is laughable (luckily for him the next action on the video is his goal), and secondly, Cosgrove is a bloody idiot. I’d thought he was badly done to, I agreed with the first yellow as even though it wasn’t a foul, his reaction was pathetic and will always result in a booking. I did think the second was wrong live though - but here I’ve clearly noted the whistle going ages before he tackled the ball away; pure petulance and for an experienced pro to be so childish is actually pretty worrying.
As I was saying last night the whistle clearly sounds. He knows this and decides to boot the ball away just after being booked. No excuses for him.
Come on. He’s hit the underside of the bar from outside the box. If that’s not a screamer then I’m not sure what is!