assault weapons more easily available, then somebody might have been able to stop the latest mass shooting!
Georgia are now promising to pay teachers an extra $10,000 per year to carry a gun in schools. I honestly can't see any situation where a pupil will take a gun and start waving it around or a teacher will lose it with a pupil. It just won't happen...
It's amazing, given the number of mass shootings and the supposed number of good guys with guns, how the latter is never, ever present when the former is happening.
Light month then, 565 this year. What a ****** up country. 35,000 gun deaths. Just more than half suicide. I know the debate has been done, over many times. But it's never out of the news.
Give everybody in the US an assault rifle, give them free ammunition. Make a law saying its patriotic to shoot a neighbour. Reward anyone who does. Hopefully they'll wipe themselves out in 12 months. They try to do this at the edges already but they're not thorough enough. Guns guns and more guns. Only way to go for a dysfunctional society.
Their defence to that would be, schools are gun-free zones so there will be no good guys there with guns. Problem to that scenario is, bad guys with guns don't care about **** like rules or laws or life.
Sorry to nit pick but you've used the English spelling of School. The American spelling is "shooting range"
This thread is a bit unbalanced and somewhat biased against the United States. Societies make judgements. The judgement in the USA is that it acceptable for 8,000 children to be gunned down every year in order to ensure the constitutional right to carry said guns. As I say societies make choices.
their argument is its people that kill not guns. So the solution is to put more guns in the hands of more people
Its the judgement of a majority of voters in sufficient states to block the wishes of the majority of voters across the entire country. America has an even worse electoral system than we do.
.Sorry. link failed. Texas mass shooting. Thankfully it appears no fatalities. Several injuries. Edit see if this works.
Yet another one here, this time drive by shooting into a group of kids, one dead, 4 injured. Horrendous.
Heart breaking. Says it all. Speaking at an earlier press conference, Dominic's father Isaac Davis said: "When will this stop? Will this ever stop? "How many people have to bury their kids, their babies, their loved ones?"