Anyone had many? Not had a single one as usual yet bought in lots of stuff as usual but never get any knocks. I love not living near kids the rest of the year but hate it at Halloween.
Middle kid is in hospital and missing out on trick or treating (last year she’d want to do it probably as she’s not that far off a teenager) - just come in to change shift with the Mrs so she can get a shower and a bite, and she’s had to go to the shop to get more spice in as the half hundredweight I’d already got in has apparently nearly gone! Had loads of kids round by all accounts. Had a fair few before I left the house at 5pm. Eldest (16) is home with the youngest (9) and there was a 30-45 min gap between me leaving and the Mrs getting home and so presumably he’s ate half of it himself mind you.
Must’ve had at least 30. House is bloody freezing cos door has been open constantly for the last hour and a half!
She’s more bothered that the ‘Thing 1’ outfit she had sorted to go with her mate’s ’Thing 2’ will not be used than she is the sweets! They were just an afterthought. She’s not long eaten after being nil by mouth since the middle of the night so I darent mention sweets to her. Her tea was ok though, I have to say; the menu in the children’s ward at DRI is better than the normal one that I remember.
Chuffin snided wi em ont cruise, can't move forrem, av got mi Slayer tee shirt on & wife's got a tee on wi some cute little ghosts but that's a far as we're taking it
Had more this year than any other year. Ran out of treats so had to raid grandkids stash of Pombears.
Have you decorated your house JD? We've not bothered this year because we've got a lot going on, and had 1 trick or treater all night. We had probably 30 last year. But I looked out of the window, and the house across from us had a queue at the top of their drive before. They've got pumpkins in the window. I think that's a bit of a rule now. They only go to houses with decorations up. We had a couple of kids come to our door, but didn't knock. My partner got up to answer, but heard one of their parents yelling them back.
Love Halloween. We get a big bucket of treats "just in case" but then my missus sits there with the lights off (I was working) so we end up with a bucket of treats for me to eat. Our own grandkids have to ring in advance, so she knows to answer the door to them
We’ve been out with our daughter and she’s had an amazing time. We’d left a pumpkin on our front door step which we had carved and painted this morning with a bowl of sweets. Came home and some little twát has booted the pumpkin and smashed it. Daughter hasn’t noticed thankfully but it really pïsses me off when you try and do something nice and some scrote ruins it for others.
Could it be an accident maybe? Just thinking a group of people around the step it would be fairly easy to accidentally knock it other or kick it if you're clumsy enough (which I am)
Proper meltdown at Archerfield, bigger boys have come and taken all the sweets (bone idle so trays of sweets left outside) youngsters come round to empty trays across the estate. Parent’s WhatsApp in meltdown, not the first time this has happened. First world problems…