I think you’re right. The student house next door has a pumpkin out and I just looked out to see a group of four little kids shout ‘a pumpkin, a pumpkin’ and go and knock. We have porch light on and a dog skeleton but it’s not obvious. I just had to call out to them as they passed to say we are taking part, we just don’t have a pumpkin. I’m happy though! First trick or treaters ever in the 17 years I’ve lived away from parents house.
Would it help to stagger the sweets and check every half an hour or so and top up rather than all out at once?
There’s just absolutely no kids as it’s not families who live around here, it’s just students, ‘professionals’ and middle aged to older people.
We didn’t put a pumpkin out. Circumstances and all that. We did stick some glow sticks in empty milk bottles though - seems to do the trick
Just 4 groups at ours, miserable evening though. Lots of choccy temptation now for the next week or so, overdid it stocking up.
Had about 3, but that suits me. I am of a generation that didn't do trick or treating so I don't eally feel anything for it.
3 lots. 11 kids altogether. First time since we moved house in 3 yrs. Damn. Allus prepared but nowt left for missen this time.
I haven't had a single trick or treater in over 10 years and that's despite kids living next door until a few years ago These days it seems you have to trim your house up to have trick or treaters come round but as a man who lives alone I feel it could come across a bit creepy to do anything like that so I never have. That and because nobody comes anyway I'd feel a bit stupid putting effort in for nobody to bother coming.
It apparently doesn’t have to be loads of effort. The group of lads next door just put a lit pumpkin out and they’ve had loads. They were taking it back in as they’ve ran out of sweets so I asked if we could borrow it.