Believe this or not. A few months ago I posted that my misses dealt me 4 consecutive Aces. I have just delt 2 consecutive hands at knockout whist, which were the same hand. I kid you not. Spooky.
You're stuck in a temporal loop. You're stuck in a temporal loop. You're stuck in a temporal loop. You're stuck in a temporal loop...
I would not lie yall. I said " do not play 7 of diamonds " she did exactly that, boo yaa. Believe me , don't believe me. Spooky a tell thi.
I saw sumat spooky in my back garden Saturday night. I was out letting the dog out. Then a shimmering metallic being ran across the garden. It looked like lightning or an energy but humanoid. The dog ran back in the house and wouldn't go back out after that. Very strange.
Anyway the fist hand delt was Me, 5 of diamonds & King of hearts, the missus 5 of hearts & 7 of diamonds gid em a good owd shuffle, proper one and then dealt the exact same cards. I would have replied last night but had trouble with onboard wifi