Hey up, yes this is Halloween evening/night, and Ive run out of silver bullets and garlic pellets (as you do!) lol. So I'm going to watch a few horror films tonight, so can anybody recommend a good spooky film.
When I was a kid, I watched The Exorcist at the Odeon. I was that frightened afterwards, I slept with the light on for a fortnight! However, at the same age, I really enjoyed Lust For A Vampire, The Vampire Lovers and Twins Of Evil, as only a teenage boy can!
After fighting through the nuns/protesters to get in . We (me n mi future mrs) sat down to watch. This lad started to exit the building at pace and collapsed in the aisle. The usherette brought him round. Using I assume smelling salts lol. Edit mi mrs sez protesters were the Sally army.
Tbh lil. I found the Omen more scary. (Although the exorcist was the more graphic ) And loved the 1st 3. They should have left it at that (The final conflict) Biggest scare i had watching a film. The end of Carrie. Those who saw it will know what I mean. Proper jumped out of mi skin along wit rest who were getting up to leave lol. Listened to a guy (horror film fanatic) on the radio today and he said. In his opinion The Exorcist was the first proper true Horror movie. Anything prior to that were more in the scary bracket. Eg Dracula. I have to agree.
Castle Freak. Think it was retrospectively banned from broadcast in the U.K. but I remember seeing that as a teenager in the 90s. More ridiculously and gratuitously gory than scary I suppose. I wouldn’t say it was good either - but it freaked me out.
Brilliant film. I'm a big fan of all what I'd call the classics Halloween Nightmare on elm Street Hellraiser Friday 13th The shining The wicker man Texas chainsaw massacre The exorcist The omen Psycho The birds The amityville horror Carrie A clockwork orange
To be fair to Michael, his middle name is Audrey* which is enough to make any bloke go on a killing spree. *Or Michael M Myers, depending on which timeline you focus on.
I must admit to being sh*t scared when they first showed Salem's lot on telly in the late 70s, as I was only a kid then lol. I think it was first shown as a two parter on the Beeb, and I remember 'Hutch' (David Soul) being in it. And admittedly I shouldn't have plugged the portable telly in when I went to bed, and watched it on my own in the dark!!.
I'd read a serialisation in a magazine. Purporting to be a true event. Then bought the book. Far more frightening than the film. Which I saw after reading. Then was announced as a hoax. In September 1979, Judge Weinstein dismissed the Lutzes' claims. In the September 17, 1979 issue of People magazine, William Weber wrote: "I know this book is a hoax. We created this horror story over many bottles of wine."
It's on right now, channel 139 Sky Sci fi. I'm daft enough to be watching it, will go to bed soon absolutely yitten.
The Omen is a great horror movie. I saw it years and years ago, then watched it more recently with our grown up kids, who all found it unsettling. I've seen Omen 2 and 3 and they were ok, but not a patch on the first, probably because they were made for box office reasons rather than for storytelling reasons*. And the least said about the remake, the better. * I think the same thing applies to plenty of other films - The Matrix, The Godfather, The Terminator, Pirates Of The Caribbean, to name just a few. All have unnecessary sequels.