No point repeating anything other than to say magnificent effort Horsham and a deserved replay. You are a credit to your team and your town. anyhoo I’m going for Jalo. The one bright spark other than seeing Luca on the pitch again.
Have to agree. Can’t give it to any of the back 6 including the GK when we’ve conceded 3. Midfield was lacklustre and that leaves Jalo or Watters.
Can Shepherd be added please he’s get my MOM( not player), he must have been laughing his c#co off at McCarthorse! I would legitimately struggle to pick any of the 11 or subs, the defence was shambolic all we did top half was go sideways Collins out
I reckon a Horsham fan has got registered on here as there’s a vote for McCart. To be fair I thought he was Horsham’s best player.
Jalo is a real talent, I remember Bobby saying a few years ago how lethal his shooting was. Could have had a hat trick on another night.
I agree on previous appearances he has looked lightweight, but on Friday imho he more than held his own and had their defenders struggling to cope with him. He seems to be coming on leaps and bounds, and coming up against the best young defenders in Europe with Portugal can only accelerate his development. I think he's just about ready for a regular spot on the bench at least.
I would start him every game, on the basis that he is already a vastly better option to partner Cole than any other player we have.