Rory Stewart? He might have left the party but he’s still a dyed in the wool elitist Tory at heart. Not for me. The existing lords is awash with former mp’s with blue rosettes. Stephen Fry is a very intelligent guy who I feel we could trust and Ian Hislop appears partisan to nobody so I’d go along with those. I’d add Sayeeda Warsi from the current Lords, possibly the fairest speaking Tory I’ve ever witnessed. Lot of time for her. Last two would be Andy Burnham (though I’d sooner him be back in the commons), and Gareth Southgate.
I've listened to Rory Stewart a lot, just read his book. He's one of the most intelligent politicians I've ever heard. Did great stuff in charge of the prison service, loads of work on international aid and development, virulent in opposition to the current Tory government. I have to say I like him a lot though I'm sure there's plenty we'd disagree about. I was going to suggest Baroness Warsi myself having seen her interviewed recently. I guess I don't know as much about her though. Hislop seems to state clear common sense on every subject and Stephen Fry, again, is highly intelligent, self effacing and balanced. It would be wonderful to have people like these having some sort of check on the rabid, polarised, whip dominated circus that is the Commons.
I often wonder if when they were kids, they would knock on the door and say, Mrs The Impaler, can your Vlad come out to play
I always thought it was Pugh, Pugh, and they were twins.
Me. Cowboy. Juddy G. + 2 others of similar ilk. Nominations welcome lol. Then I'd campaign to abolish the house of lords. The monarchy. And Propose the incarceration of Boris and his supporters. If not. The woodentops. Edit Added The Tykester.
You can abolish the House of Lords, Hooky. It should be abolished. But you'd have to replace it with something.
Come on mate. I need someone I can rely on. Not to fekk up. I'm used to it with Juddy G. Nice lad though
Martin Lewis, Ian Hislop, Mick Lynch, Carol Vorderman, JK Rowling. Although I'm opposed to PR in general elections I do think that the Lord's should be elected using PR from GE voting.