He’s been a mixed bag for me. I’d say he has had three good transfer windows and one mediocre one. I don’t know if he hired ashbagi or that was a Conway job but he should have definitely got rid of him February time. He did extremely well in getting in duff and rebuilding the team/club in the summer after relegation but after every high point there was also a **** up like the west stand or Hex. He has improved the food and overall experience in the stands but again seems to have shot himself in the foot with the car park fiasco. He will do well in the future with more experience but I would like to see the next person who comes in to be experienced. For me I would be splitting the role between a DOF and a CEO as that is where I think we have been falling down. Good luck to him and his family!
I have always questioned how good Murphy was in the actual role, he gets loads of plaudits because we had a great season but there appeared to be no infrastructure or mid to long term thinking in his strategy.
Surprised they are keeping him in situ tbh, given him stating his intention to leave and him being a ‘non’ persona in recent times.
Would rather have him in with owners to block any moves or signings if needs be, than the last time we didn't have a CEO and the owner/ **** running the club signed Obbi Oss and ALI!!
There's 2 ways to look at this departure for me due to the fact its been ongoing for some time. (1) The club had no intention of renewing his contract and wanted change. (2) Khaled had no intention of renewing and wanted out. Either way both parties weren't 100% happy. Whilst he's not been my cup of tea, he hasn't deserved the dogs abuse given out at times. Nobody is perfect at their jobs and I suspect he's met himself coming backwards at times due to the lack of staff structure at the club, that said he's made some almighty gaffs I wish him no ill but welcome a positive change.
Funny you should day that. At the last love in I attended in the Legends Suite, Khaled was on stage with Neerav and Julie- Ann and when Khaled spoke he seemed ill at ease and I felt a discord between him and the board.
I'm not ITK and nothing more than a gut feeling but I suspect the CEO role at oakwell is very different to that at other clubs and probably much more hands on keeping all the plates spinning, hence at times a lack of focus as there isn't the structure to fall back on, it's something I wish we'd invest in a little more and probably a reason we go through a decent amount of CEO's
What I understand of the workings at Oakwell, I think this is about right. It’s full on for everyone.
The only people who fully know if he was a success or not, would be his past and present colleagues at the club. They’ll know the time and effort he put in. Things do go wrong, and that’s how you learn, but generally I think most will say he gave it a good and fair crack.
Seriously you'd have someone back that allegedly ****** up the Angus MacDonald to Hull transfer that later cost the club £750k?