He said he was responsible and in charge of 99% of the running of the club - so yeah he should be held accountable for such things. Whilst wishing him no ill will obviously - I'm glad he's gone. His tenure has been marred with so many gaffes that have alienated so many supporters, that it's probably best for all parties. Hopefully Fanatics don't deliver his P45 and P60. He'll be waiting a while.
Indeed. You would have hoped though that, once the decision to sell 4 to each ST holder was made, that people who could get tickets would only have bought for actual BFC fans. There were some Huddersfield fans who got tickets, due to knowing a BFC ST holder that didn't see the bigger picture or gave a **** about fellow fans, while dyed in the wool Barnsley fans missed out.
Tell you what happened with me mate. I bought 2. genuinely thinking we'd ask for the extra allocation. Initially the other for my youngest son for the experience. But he wasnt into football. Gave it to one of my mates (big fan and season ticket holder) once the situation was spelled out. And he didnt manage to get a ticket.
The West Stand was shut down because the authorites wouldn't issue a safety certificate.If you didn't want to hear that from Khaled our very own Beth confirmed this.Nothing to do with redeploying stewards or other crazy notions.Certain works needed doing and until complete no certificate.This issue was raised before Khaled even took over.
Good luck Khalid. Nobody works at Oakwell intending to do their job *****, well apart from Mido, Deon Burton, Paul Warhurst, Paul Gibbs, him who Hemsy liked....
I was at a meeting (not sure which exact one. I have the SYP/IAG in my head. One tomorrow night as it happens) where the chief safety officer said it was he who gave the evidence and advice. Khaled said he wouldnt put anyone at risk. Given information he had recieved. (The safety officer meeting I went to came after) I too, thought it was convenient when Khaled announced it at the time. Given the Stewards issues and then Sheff utd were given a much bigger allocation than first mooted.
I'm stil very confused by the fact that in freedom of information requests the council said that they had inspected the ground and no issues were found with the maintenance of the stadium before the club chose to close the west stand and oakwell community assets limited (ie the crynes and council) said that they inspected and found no physical defects with the ground including the west stand yet the club were insistent that the opposite was true but provided no evidence to support their claim.
We were reaching the point where that was becoming the assumption anyway. It was obvious that something was going on behind the scenes, and he'd become pretty much absent at a time where the club were facing plenty of negative PR. This at least puts the situation into better context, although I agree that it's far from ideal.
All I can say is. I personally asked the chief safety officer myself why he wasn't named at the earliest opportunity. To stop all the speculation. Other fans were present from tarn. Including one from BFCST. (I edited whilst you were posting which meeting I think was the one). I was also in attendance when Khaled gave his reason to close it. And said he wouldnt put supporters at risk. Which everyone agreed with. As it made common sense at the time. If you think it was a conspiracy you may well be right. But others would have to have been implicated also. As for freedom of information requests. I can't answer as I don't remember an issuing statement tbh. I dont recollect it because if I'd known. I would have raised it. I dont think it ever was, in meetings I was present at anyway. I do know about one guy on here who has asked for freedom of information re the latest issues re road closures etc in the present. But if I remember right he still hasn't had clear answers re names because of non disclosure/Data protection. I'm sure he'll put me right if reading this.
I asked you the same question in the last Khaled thread and you didn’t answer me then What work was actually done ?
A better situation would have been for CEO to do his job as he should be doing it, until he no longer held the post. If it's obvious that a matter of some concern has arisen, even to the average fan, then the CEO is no longer doing his job as ought to be required if he does not have it addressed. I'm not in the slightest bit observant with regard to who is running the club or how, but I have noticed that one or two recent matters have been ignored by the club even though they must have known that the supporters found these matters of importance (e.g. Horsham tie). Anyway, the sooner a new bod takes over, the better. This has not been handled well.
Some of the flooring in that particular section was dangerous was said at the outset in a meeting. It got repaired.