I didn't even know that was possible. Presume they're doing jobs nowhere near as high-profile as Foreign Secretary, otherwise I'd have known about it.
Baroness Cates was Digital Media and Comms. Goldsmith was Pacific and International Environment then Overseas Territories, Climate and Environment, and Baron Frost was Brexit negotiator then Cabinet Office. TBF, we can't discount Lord Mandelson either - although he was previously elected until 2004 and left to be European Commissioner for Trade before being appointed Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. The Earl of Home was the last Prime Minister to be appointed from the Lords - in 1963 - and he renounced his title as a result.
She’s was the last hope the cons had at winning the next general election. She spoke some home truths about immigration and the hate marches and the establishment pushed her out.
Sincerely hope you're right in your first sentence. As for your second..........!!! Couldn't even understand the Irish history. Utterly ignorant and divisive woman.
Immigration into this country needs to be managed, we obviously need immigration but we need to know who is coming in. If you come into the country illegally then you shouldn’t have any right to stay ever.
Lol Looks as though you are trying to attack me for having a different opinion to yourself. If you would like to have a debate about it that fine but constantly judging me and calling me a bigot is unfair and uncalled for.
The peace march she said would cause trouble passed almost incident free with hundreds of thousands of protesters despite significant provokation with even Gove trying to generatre unrest and failing The counter demonstration which she was largely responsible for of right wing thugs only had a couple of hundred but they attacked the police putting double figures of officers into hospital , broke thought barriers, chanted racist slogans and generally caused trouble She also went against cabinet rules and deliberately gave a story to the press that she knew Sunak would not agree with She put excessive pressure on the police - who actually did a great job for once She is popular amongst the far right but very unpopular across the country - and she engineered her sacking hoping to replace sunak once he is forced out himself
Maybe Suella should have supported an immigration service that supports legal processing rather than creating an environment where illegal crossings can flourish. The solution must be vote more Tory. It's a problem that takes much more than 13 years and the most drastic alteration to our foreign policy in living memory to solve.
Hopefully labour win the next election. Do you think immigration is working? Why is someone a troll because they have a different opinion to yourself? I don’t agree with everything she did/said. I do believe she said some home truths about the hates marches. The marches shouldn’t be happening in this country it’s just creates division between our own communities. This is the main one for me is controlling immigration. We need immigration that’s a fact but we also need to know we are not importing. rapist/criminals/terrorists shouldn’t be allowed in we’ve got enough of them already unfortunately. I don’t vote Tory never have never will.
I'll venture some information about immigration. From the official U.K. statistical service report "Immigration system statistics year ending June 2023" I quote: 5.1 Extension of temporary stay in the UK There were 669,061 grants of extension in the UK (including both main applicants and dependants) in the year ending June 2023, 52% more than in the year ending June 2022. Over four-fifths of the increase in extensions in the latest year (81% of 229,934) were for work. In addition, regarding "Boat People", again from official government statistics report "Irregular migration to the U.K. year ending June 2023" I quote: 2. Irregular arrivals In the year ending June 2023, there were 52,530 irregular migrants detected entering the UK, up 17% from the year ending June 2022. 85% of these arrived via small boats. I think it's fair to say that the 669,061 grants of extension to say were known about, as the Government approved them. The irregular immigrants are also recorded and placed in accommodation. I'd be fascinated to hear the explanation about why "we obviously need immigration but we need to know who is coming in". It seems to me, we already do.
Should be banned from the BBS as well. We don't want facts on here. And that name. 'Le Gessien.' Sounds like Johnny Foreigner to me...
No chance mate, he could have withdrawn the whip from several MPs including Nadine Dories and Jacob Rees Mogg for deliberately trying to undermine the COVID enquiry when it was announced but bottled it. He'll bottle it again.