Shocking if anything happens. Hopefully just a formality. Anybody that has ever watched Ice Hockey can see it was purely an accident and not his fault in the slightest.
It usually is, but am surprised it took so long really. Although there is a lot of sensitivity around the case with it being so public and the man arrested publicly named at the time (but not now).
I don’t know the rules of ice hockey and the nature of the sport but the video that someone showed me didn’t seem a natural movement to me but like I say I don’t know enough really, sad all around for all involved
You would think so, I guess it’s just a bit shocking to even see it really. The word ‘manslaughter’ feels like such a harsh term for a terrible sporting accident. I guess it’s no different from an F1 driver being arrested for manslaughter for a racing incident, or a boxer for a fatal head injury.
The case will come down to expert testimony from witnesses. If it gets to court - those will likely decide the fate of the accused.
I would imagine it is a formal procedure they would go through, just as if for instance I knocked someone down driving who stepped out suddenly into my path and it killed them.
Unfortunately, and legally, Adam Johnson died and so it has to be manslaughter that he is charged with. There was no premeditated intent, so it isn't murder - and its too serious for GBH, assault or any other "lower" crime.
My wifes cousin did that. She had been out drinking and fell in front of the car - too close to stop. The police tried everything they could to get him for it, but he'd done nothing wrong legally - although the mental toll would be very difficult to live with.
I’m not surprised given the video evidence out there, although I’m not saying the bloke is guilty & he meant it, the video does appear to show that he kicked him, whether that was purely accidental & all about momentum is up to the professionals to decide. Awful all round.
Some legal definitions, for anyone interested
If you think this was an intentional act you're either not familiar with ice hockey as a sport and the general physics involved at high speed movements on ice, or you're prejudice against Petgrave because of the colour of his skin.
Typo. Honest. Yes, he is only arrested (at the moment) which allows him to be questioned with a lawyer.
Only the accused knows if he meant to catch his opponent but I'm 100% certain he didn't intend the horrific outcome. For me it could be construed as reckless but regardless of the outcome nothing will bring Adam back and I fail to see what anyone has to gain from pursuing this. If the accused is found innocent but in his heart of hearts he knows he meant to hurt Adam I don't think he would play again anyway. In some ways Chris Morgan could have been facing a similar investigation but fortunately the outcome wasn't as severe. The way things are going sport as we know it will cease to exist. RIP ADAM