Surprised it says manslaughter. We have manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. The difference between voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter is a matter of intent. The unlawful but unintentional killing of another can satisfy both statutes. Voluntary manslaughter requires an intentional act that is a felony or that is likely to cause death or great bodily harm. Involuntary manslaughter, in contrast, may be based on an intentional act that is not naturally dangerous to human life or upon an act of culpable negligence.
I have no idea about ice hockey but this one could take some sorting as I have seen professionals current and past say it was a total accident in their opinion and others equally adamant that it wasn’t a natural challenge.
Come on mate. Whether a kick was intentional or not is not a left and right wing issue. Why do people always do this lately to every single issue? Also, on an unrelated note, a deliberate kick would not make it murder - but rather would strengthen a manslaughter case. The kick would be the actus reus not the mens rea, unless you can somehow prove that the kick was specifically aimed with the pre-planned intention to kill.
It's crazy that they've arrested him but did absolutely nothing about Chris Morgan, where the intent/recklessness was clear as day.
Check every right-wing account on twitter. I'll give you some: EndWokeness, stillgray, WallStreetSilv, Timcasts, CollinRugg, ClownWorld_, MattWallace888. There's a lot more, if you feel like looking yourself. All immediately called it murder, shared the video, called for him to be arrested, did a "nudge nudge wink wink" that he's violent because he's black, said the media is covering for him because of his race etc. So don't tell me it's not a left-right issue, when every racist right-wing talking head has been farming it for weeks to drum up their imbecile followers into attacking a man that they know nothing about in a different country. Look at all the replies to Steelers tweets, as soon as one of these big accounts mentions anything, they're all up in the replies.
The same press who named the person involved, now has to pretend they never named them, by not naming who has been arrested, when we all know who it is.
Yep, there's folk on X calling for him to get the chair. I don't think they are even aware it's a UK hockey incident. Nutjobs.
Imagine they need to interview him and will question him quite abit about it being intentional or malicious unless he admits to wanting to intentionally trying to hurt him he’s going to be ok. I’m sure no matter what he never thought that would be the outcome.
Seems harsh to me. Anyone who watches hockey will know it’s a rough sport (fighting is part of the game…), they knock lumps out of each other. Looks to me that he was trying to body check him. Even if there was intent there to land one on him, I don’t think he wanted to slit his throat. That sort of premeditated accuracy would be incredibly difficult. But he may have tried to have wipe him out. And people are calling for him to go down because of that… seem tricky to me, though. Boxers go in the ring to hurt each other, if one punches another and they kill them, do they go down? If someone slides in with a rough tackle in football, and they accidentally kill them, should they go down? Grey areas for me. Wouldn’t want to be quick to start branding someone a murderer, it’s a big allegation.
Because I've seen it countless times all over social media. I'll only attach one because its scummy behaviour but its one example of the racist **** out there in relation to this accident.
As mentioned above, right wing nut jobs all over twitter were the first to bring skin colour into the equation.
Murder means unlawfully killing someone with an intention to kill or do really serious harm. Unlawful act manslaughter means unlawfully killing someone intending to do them some harm, best example being the ‘one punch scenario’. It will be the latter scenario I expect they will be looking at.
Remember that incident with Iain Hume and Chris Morgan team? Because this one was far worse. Having seen the video, nobody can say that that was a 'Hockey accident'.
Looked like a kung fu kick. Doubt he meant to actually kill him, but he will have known what he did would put his opponent purposely on his backside.