How have you got a ticket - I didn't think they were on sale yet at least not for Barnsley or have I missed an announcement somewhere
Sorry. The ‘belt and braces’ I was wittering on about meant I’d just bought a ticket direct from Sutton (home). They went on sale at 5pm. just to be sure I get in!
The owners have done it the right way. Plenty of other clubs have been taken over by rich foreigners and they have raped the club - e.g. Mr Chansiri.
It helps when the owners have shown passion for the club, have been extremely friendly and welcoming with the media and have basically done everything they can to get positive attention. Helped obviously by the fact that Ryan Reynolds is extremely famous but also remember that he's famous BECAUSE of his media abilities not his acting abilities. Compare that with bfc for example. Radio silence for months. Refusal to talk to anyone and contempt for fans. We may not like the way Wrexham have successfully courted the media but in reality is it because we are a bit jealous that our own club is so **** at it?
1265 tickets for Sutton. 282 seating 614 covered standing 369 uncovered standing £18 standing £22 seating Be on sale next week