yes I am obviously but like I’ve said previously if you attack someone and celebrate when it happens you’ve got to deal with the consequences. (It poor kids shouldn’t have to deal with this on both sides over a bit of land)
A think essentially the real truth is known by the people who’ve lived out these wars in Palestine, Jordon, Israel or whatever the west like to call it…….for me the West should be ashamed of themselves, sitting back basically ok-ing the actions of the Israeli army whilst feeding them with the best artillery and technology over the last 80 years!! When this latest conflict ends, and people attempt to return to there land where do they start? Where do they live? Who’s going to help them? We saw a big push by the U.K government to help displaced Ukrainians when Russia invaded, where’s the push this time to welcome displaced Palestinians who’ve lost there parents or there children? A truly sad state of affairs………
I think the issue with Palestinians is that a lot of them simply can't get out. Imagine living somewhere the size of Rotherham which is completely fenced off from the outside world. That's a pretty horrendous state of affairs, even without bombs dropping on your head.
I usually give conspiracy theories extremely short shrift and tend to run away very quickly from anyone peddling then. However, one of the oldest plays in the book from politicians suffering a popularity crisis is to go to war. Especially if they can portray that war as some sort of justification and righteous struggle against an existential enemy. Thatcher, Putin, Bush have all done it. Blair was already pretty popular at the time of the Iraq invasion, so fck knows why he thought getting involved was a good idea, but I digress. Netenyahu is extremely unpopular and an election is coming up next year I believe. What better than a war to distract from his catastrophic failings as Head of State? Plus he's an absolute lovely person. I don't for a second doubt that he wouldn't think twice about sacrificing a few of his citizens in order to give himself a chance of staying in power.
Nail on head mate' i hear he's being investigated for fraud too so it may be a case of in power or in prison' my genuine belief is that the 7th October attack was planned a long time ago and Israel had the intelligence and allowed it to play out because they knew that such an atrocity would mean the west giving them the green light to do exactly what thay're doing now' Gaza gets ethnically cleansed and he's mr popular again..i 've just seen on sky news that the Israelis have dropped leaflets in Khan younis telling civilians to leave Southern Gaza' the same Southern Gaza that was supposed to be a safe place' its as plain as day whats happening here.
I read a powerful comment from an Israeli Muslim whos working alongside other Jews and Muslims in Israel collecting bones and remains of those killed on October 7th so they can have a proper Jewish funeral according to there law. He said October the 7 th attack was nothing to do with religion because that day Hammas killed not only Jews but Muslims too.It was about hatred. He concluded by saying "on that day we all learned to die together we now need to learn to live together".
The same citizens of Gaza who voted Hamas in, stood by while Hamas slaughtered members of the opposition and drove the rest into exile in the west bank and were out celebrating in the streets when the Hamas monsters were killing mutilating and raping Israeli's while live streaming it back for their fans in the Gaza and God only knows what they've been doing to the people they dragged back into Gaza. Hamas hide behind their women and children that's their choice as was attacking Israel on the 7/10 when they knew the Israeli government would react in the way it has. But Hamas don't care about their own people and the sooner their apologists like Corbyn, Galloway. Abbot etc and the fools matching for a one sided ceasefire realise this and start to be critical of Hamas too the sooner the violence will stop. Admitting to Palestinian civilian casualties but now blaming Hamas. The pillock need bringing into line but the West just stand back and say nowt.
So why does this not apply to Israel in your view? Why are Israel allowed to commit genocide against innocent people for decades, then when Hamas respond Israel don't have to "deal with the consequences" they get a free pass to attack in your view because "Hamas started it"?
Palestinian are in favour of the barbaric attacks on the US citizens. What do you want Israel to do when they brutally attack them? Don’t get this massive loving with them they are both as bad as each other. If you say anything other then you a delusional anti-somatic Didn’t Israel have a war with all of the countries just to survive? There is obviously good and bad people on both sides, but in this instance hamas chose to butcher and murder innocent civilians so obviously there was going to be repercussions. This big love in with the Palestinians is crazy when the most of them celebrated the attacks on the festival, goers.
Again, Israeli's have been celebrating attacks on innocent Palestinians for decades. But that's ok is it? We decide history started on the 7th October and Hamas "started it"?
World War II ended in 1945. Israeli genocide against Palestinians has been ongoing for decades and still happening now. The fact you even think that's a comparison shows you have a fundamental complete misunderstanding of the situation.
So basically what’s happened is the Jews have moved into Israel and they have started buying up the land and the Palestinians have been pushed out. The indigenous Palestinians, should have a right to the land.
Aye that about sums it up. If you ignore the thousands of Palestinians killed or forcibly moved every year by Israel, which you seem intent on doing. You're not worth talking to anymore, you have a clear prejudice against Muslims, as you've shown in this thread and others. You clearly just think their lives don't matter. The worst part is I genuinely don't think you even think you have that prejudice, it's so ingrained in you. But it's clear for all to see.
how many Muslim countries around Israel why don’t any of the Arab states help them out there is a reason for that. That’s because the majority of them are extremists, I don’t agree with innocent civilians, losing their life but if you vote in a terrorist organisation then you should know that something bad is going to happen.