The first thing I'd be doing as CEO is to make damn sure it didn't happen again. Identify how it happened and tighten up the processes involved.
No, sorry, that doesn’t cut it. I do feel sorry for whoever the individual is that is involved here, but this is fundamental. It is basic. They cannot continue in their role. They can’t. For a start they’ll never be trusted to do the job. Someone has to go, and Khaled at the top too. Is he even around the club still? Just get rid and bring someone in who is capable and actually wants the job, rather than someone treading water until he ***** off to MLS.
Didn't it happen in the cup last season against Donny but we pulled the player back in the changing rooms while warming up? Dodged the bullet that time, this time we weren't so lucky.
Starting to go beyond giving a toss anymore we just seem to lurch from one **** up to the next. Judge us by our actions.
seriously how much of a joke club have we become? I mean really is there anything we are good at, at the minute?
Company Secretary (the formal Companies House role) isn't necessarily the same function as a Club Secretary role, which has very specific responsibilities in terms of compliance with FA, EFL, etc rules. It's logical that the responsibilities might fall on Robert Zuk in a club of our size, but it isn't necessarily the case. RZ is definitely the company secretary is as much as we can assume without specific knowledge, although I would suggest the probability is fairly high that he carries out both functions.
Company Secretary is different to Club Secretary - Last season at least the Club Secretary was Eleanor Dobson ( ) but not sure if she's still in that role. Either way I think this falls on either Collins or Khaled's shoulders, maybe both should be stressed though just because she is club secretary doesn’t automatically become her fault. It still depends on the process in place.
"One minute I could be completing domestic or international player registrations, transfers and loans and the next I could be communicating aspects of football rules, regulations and requirements to the Board and staff." Oh, Eleanor...
Correct. However, as I’ve stated, mistakes happen. The person who made it will no doubt feel bad enough about it too. FA rules are a nightmare at the best of times. It’s not great, but I wouldn’t want to see anybody abused over it on social media. That’s just not right.
So we knew about the issue 5 days ago. Commenting on the news, Club Chairman Kevin Borrett said: “The Barnsley Chairman Neerav Parekh contacted me on Friday 17th November to make the club aware of the administrative error and FA consideration of the matter. Yet kept stum.
They couldn't be seen to influence the outcome of the FA investigation by announcing it publicly. Probably have resulted in worse sanctions.