My theory is that they requested the end of the loan before the first game - which would have made him available - but the paperwork wasn't completed until after the game - which meant he wasn't.
Don’t we usually know the likely line up a day or so before the game. Surely it should be ratified by someone at the club to ensure that no player selected is either suspended or ineligible to play. The fact that no one’s picked up on this is laughable and it does mean that there must be lots of other stuff slipping past and being overlooked so god only knows what’s coming down the line.
I love how some want to exonerate Khalid again, everything’s either above or below his pay grade according to some on here. At the end of the day he sets the culture of the day to day running of the club- by example. Incompetence breeds incompetence, you don’t need an MBA to work out his slack attitude and mr bean energy is going to rub off on the rest of the staff.
If we can’t get something as major as who owns the club right, I’d imagine something as trivial as this…………..
I think the fact that no one in the management of the club is quoted in the article speaks volumes. Like no one is taking any accountability for it.
Khaled said in an interview the other year that he's responsible for 99% of the day to day running of the club. So this must have fallen into the pesky 1%.
The most amusing aspect of this whole debacle is that as soon as the teams were announced at Horsham, some of our own fans alledgedly picked up on the Aiden Marsh situation with replies to on social media and yet still nothing was done to pull him from the matchday squad. Some of our own fans knew the rules and that he shouldn't have been playing and yet no one at the club thought to check, double check or ask for clarification if they weren't sure. ******* hell.
I do t really care if they feel a bit bad for itz they've potentially cost the club millions and shouldn't be allowed to remain in their role.
“An administrative error was brought to our attention regarding the eligibility of a player who played in last Tuesday's game with Horsham FC. ” i bet the FA didn’t check, who grassed do you think? Horsham? Did the club own up? Doesn’t sound like they did.
Get to and lose in the quarter final and it's over a million in prize money. Get on TV in the 3rd, 4th it 5th round and it's over 100k each time. Draw a big team and the gate receipts are astronomical. Cambridge played man utd a few years ago and banked over a million quid from that one match (plus replay) alone Then there's the national exposure for your players, who if they have a good game can see their value rise sharply. Positive feeling from fans that translates into tickets sold for league games going forwards? Yes it can be millions, literally millions.